EVIDENCE | “There Is No Place Like Home (land Security Running Elections)” that’s Unconstitutional

Ms. Collins, has a binder with many communications she sourced from her election officials in the mighty state of Kansas. She is one of the thousands of Americans who will be part of a very effective class action suit to be filed in the next few weeks.

EXCLUSIVE| Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Elections

If Mitt Romney came clean, we would forgive him, split the money into the accounts to all US Citizens wiping out all our nations and individual debt and even thank him. Will Mittens grow a conscience and come clean? I am sure we, the people, would cut him a deal. T-5


Therefore, murder would not surprise me, considering Plum Island is a hot spot for many creepy selected officials that make the Standard Hotel’s history pale compared to Plum Island. Do the residents of Plum Island not care about what is happening in their neck of the woods?

Dominion’s Own FROG Destroys Their Claim

Dominion has been crying on television peddling the overused heart felt story…