Ohio’s Unconstitutional AI Agenda: Governance by Algorithm

I am taking legal action, but together, we must restore the balance of power and reaffirm that government exists to serve the people—not to govern by automation or convenience.

Fear of the Future: Why Elon Musk and X Are Symbols of Tribalistic Backlash

Performative tribalism takes this one step further. Here, participants engage not to discuss or debate but to signal loyalty to their group or ideology. The goal becomes less about truth or progress and more about garnering clout, solidifying alliances, and attacking perceived outsiders. This behavior was evident yesterday as the discussion descended into name-calling, posturing, and unproductive theatrics undermining the original topic.

IC Series| Wired Secrets, Shattered Skies: Why MH370 Disappeared

Was Zhang compromised? Reports suggest yes. The intelligence monitoring group [REDACTED] allegedly surveilled her communications and movement, opening Pandora’s box to potential data breaches concerning SEA-ME-WE 5’s structural plans, encryption methods, and geopolitical significance.

The Quiet Game: How Drones, Power, and Politics Collide

This might just be the most I’ve ever spilled on the things no one ever talks about—consider it classified… but I was ordered to show teeth.

AI ETHICS SERIES| Bystander Apathy in a Connected World: How X Is Building Subtle Guardrails

. In my opinion, the bystander effect erodes and minimizes humans’ moral compass, primarily online, due to the dilution of responsibility; therefore, @elonmusk may also want to consider this approach to deter engagement farming that will make advertising analytics presented to advertisers more accurate.

Reality Hacking: How Perception Management Distorts Truth and Delays Justice

By positioning myself as chum in Perception Management Operations (PMOs) waters, I’ve turned the game on its head—baiting the manipulators into revealing themselves.

FP Comprehensive Analysis| Beyond the Decline; Turning Xi’s Absence into a Strategic Opportunity

Did President Trump extend an invitation to Vladimir Putin for his inauguration, as he did with Xi Jinping?