NATSEC SERIES| China’s Strategic Takeover Through Drones, Borders, and Global Governance

This should not just be a concern—it should be the national security priority in every briefing, every agency, and every high-level decision in Washington.

The Invisible Enemy: How the World Was Conquered Without War Series (IV)

As a teacher, history reveals patterns that those who study and learn from the past refine into strategies for global dominance.

The Invisible Enemy: How the World Was Conquered Without War Series (II)

China is not an enemy but a force driven by an unwavering pursuit of survival. It masters the art of conquest not out of malice but as a calculated means to ensure its civilization’s endurance.

IC Series| Wired Secrets, Shattered Skies: Why MH370 Disappeared

Was Zhang compromised? Reports suggest yes. The intelligence monitoring group [REDACTED] allegedly surveilled her communications and movement, opening Pandora’s box to potential data breaches concerning SEA-ME-WE 5’s structural plans, encryption methods, and geopolitical significance.

FP Comprehensive Analysis| Beyond the Decline; Turning Xi’s Absence into a Strategic Opportunity

Did President Trump extend an invitation to Vladimir Putin for his inauguration, as he did with Xi Jinping?