Texas AG Paxton Committed to Election Integrity: Tackling Ballot Harvesting and Setting an Example for DNC and RNC Leaders Like Scott Pressler

By avoiding ballot harvesting, we can ensure that elections are honest and trustworthy. This way, everyone’s voice can be heard fairly. Let’s follow Melania Trump’s advice and do what’s best for our nation, and other AGs should follow Ken Paxton’s lead.

Fiscal Irresponsibility and Electoral Neglect: The Electronic Voting Machine Dilemma

Finally, by eliminating the opaque nature of electronic voting systems in favor of transparent, manual counting processes, we not only heed the warnings of cybersecurity threats but also embrace a model where cost-effectiveness and solution efficacy are maximized through transparency.

Biden Hosted Luncheon With US Tax Dollars For Hunter And His CCP Business Partners

Has anyone been paying attention to VP Kamala Harris? What LLCs has she and her “boyfriend” flourished with lately? I believe that a certain company that Kim Foxx from Chicago with assistance from Tina Chen (Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff) helped create is very ambitious in Ukraine weapons even though it is simply an import export company.

EVIDENCE | “There Is No Place Like Home (land Security Running Elections)” that’s Unconstitutional

Ms. Collins, has a binder with many communications she sourced from her election officials in the mighty state of Kansas. She is one of the thousands of Americans who will be part of a very effective class action suit to be filed in the next few weeks.