Alexander Smirnov: Known FBI Russian Informant To Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop

Systemic Neglect of True Whistleblowers Underneath the public spectacle and media frenzy, a quiet, meticulous investigation into the very fabric of this deception is allegedly underway. The focus is not just on Smirnov’s spurious claims but on unraveling the network of influence and coaching that led him to step forward at a critical juncture—June 2020, coinciding with the FBI’s examination of the contents of a politically sensitive laptop.

EVIDENCE IT PAYS TO BE A BIDEN: Next Gen as Pawns in the Power Play?

Politics is a game where every move is calculated. Naomi Biden’s stint in the Executive Chamber was no random act but a choreographed play in the grand political ballet. One may never fully uncover the depth of the establishments’ influence, but remember in politics, there are no coincidences, only well-played strategies.

LOST AND FOUND| High Profile ‘Kidnapping’, ISIS Leader Arrested In Ukraine Bust, Suspected Links To Yovanovich, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, And Romney

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 11/16/2019 (LINK TO ARCHIVE.IS) -REPUBLISHING since ToreSays SQL was purged on 08/17/20