EXCLUSIVE: Obama Shadow Plant Ousted From ODNI- Who Is She And Why Isn’t She At Leavenworth For Treason?

The harm these “careers” have caused to our nation is IMMENSE and considered TREASON. She should NOT be working for BIG TECH PSY-OP company – she should be in Leavenworth paying her dues to the American people she has caused harm to.

Former CEO of Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman Wasn’t Missing, He Was In Ukraine

It seems that the emails Wikileaks published weren’t what concerned the GLOBAL CABAL, it was the other data and programs/source code that WE have exclusively seen, which explains why Ukraine is such a “touchy” topic for the Democrats and some Republicans.

Exclusive: Quid Pro Joe, Hunter Biden, John Kerry, Burisma and Criminal Investigations in the Ukraine

In the meantime a simple request for criminal proceeding transfer on one of these cases involving US officials and or citizens committing crimes in the Ukraine is the fastest way to bring justice on our own time with results so cases don’t magically “close” like they do in the Ukraine.

Daniel Jones’ Fingerprints All Over “Whistleblower” Complaint, But Why Now?

What leads us to this conclusion? Expenses filed, dinners, calls, and Victoria Nuland’s daft assistant that should have gone through the farm before working the EU desk. Pompeo has been wearing wellies since he took the post of Secretary of State, now he will mass drain the swamp.