Just before the 2016 presidential elections, Eric Braverman (the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation) was the source of many rumors on social media ranging from him being MISSING, to him seeking asylum from Russia.
Ground zero of these reports were alleged to be from an article posted on Whatdoesitmean.com. In this report it was alleged that the Kremlin was presented with an urgent political asylum request from Braverman who could “expose the real Hillary Clinton scandal.”
This report came after a well “placed” alibi report. Alibi reporting is deliberate misinformation put out to obfuscate facts. This is how circular reporting occurs. Circular reporting is re-reporting or citing purposeful disinformation published by the MSM to create “alibis” for activities that they wish to obfuscate. This creates an onerous papertrail via media for a narrative to be portrayed as fact. We know now that this was key when FISA applications were submitted to the FISC court – though circular reporting was mostly used during the first renewal of the FISA warrants. This method of weaponizing the media is a well established mode of operation in the intelligence communities. This raises questions into where boundaries are drawn in the gray, unofficial area between the MSM and the intel community.
As per Braverman, it was Politico’s “writer” Vogel, that deployed the first piece of purposeful disinformation. His activities acting in this capacity have been demonstrated by various emails seen on Wikileaks from the DNC, Clinton, and Podesta email dump. His excerpt below showcases his qualities.
But in January, only weeks after the board’s show of support and just a year and a half after Braverman arrived, he abruptly resigned, and sources tell Politico his exit stemmed partly from a power struggle inside the foundation between and among the coterie of Clinton loyalists who have surrounded the former president for decades and who helped start and run the foundation.
Eric Braverman Tried to Change the Clinton Foundation. Then He Quit.
Recent documents and data we have seen, but have not obtained, indicate that Braverman would have never asked for asylum from Russia because he was actually in Ukraine. There are records of Braverman at the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, CCTV footage, and pictures of Braverman meeting with top oligarchs throughout 2015. One of those oligarchs is the source of the allegations against the private attorney to the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.
Coincidentally, after a meeting with Braverman and Marie Yovanovich this oligarch – who was barred from entering the United States of America – was suddenly off the “do not enter list”. It was former President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama that lifted that ban. Money then flowed through PrivatBank into the coffers of many.

It seems that Braverman was operating in a capacity of “fundraising” and liaising throughout 2015 and 2016 for the Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaign. An external email invite illustrates that he attended an initial meeting with Crowdstrike executives a few months before Google Capital invested $100 Mil into Crowdstrike and money flowed through PrivatBank. Marie Yovanovich can testify to that, she was there. The Democrats love Cyprus!
He (the oligarch) had recent conversation with the U.S. ambassador in order to expiate himself of his American visa ban… His (the oligarch) family members, were in contrast, given ten-year visas. He (the oligarch) was given a short term entry visa to the U.S. and our sources do not specify whether he (the oligarch) had the visa placed in his Ukrainian, Israeli or Cypriot passports.
Ukrainian MP Sergey Leschenko
Organically, as the 2016 presidential election date neared, the Braverman rumors went into full swing. The sudden death of Seth Rich, missing former CEO of the Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman, and Gavin MacFadyen all somehow were being bundled together by the MSM and didn’t mind that their stories where being linked to the DNC server that the FBI never RETRIEVED – A series of strange events that were aggressively “dispelled” and dismissed as conspiracy theories by the GLOBAL media. Why would the global media be involved?
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In retrospect, with new information we are realizing that the purposeful disinformation did one thing: It successfully created a disconnect to the geographical location where a lot of money, hacking, funding, and orchestrating went on: UKRAINE.
In 2017, when Operation Crossfire Hurricane successfully completed the information needed to renew the FISA warrants, Braverman the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation reemerged announcing his new job. He was “hired to oversee the non-investment side of the family of Alphabet Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and his wife, Wendy” as reported by HEAVY.

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His residency in Ukraine aligns with the restructuring of Google and Google Capital into Alphabet Inc., which is a multinational private group of companies founded in October 2015 by the FOUNDERS of Google.

Google Capital was a private equity firm that invested in many tech companies of which the majority at some point in time become or became part of Alphabet Inc. One specific investment that Braverman worked on and facilitated was that of CROWDSTRIKE. Monopoly?

Curiously, before the 2016 presidential elections, Crowdstrike removed their blog post/announcement of investments they had received from Google. It was in tangent with news being leaked from the infamous “Awan brothers” and their connection to Crowdstrike and meeting with Google Capital investors. In a very remarkable way, this speedy deletion was also in tangent with the announcement of former Obama personal advisory board member taking the seat as “Director of GLOBAL Public Policy for Google” and a new “investment type company” called “THE FIRM“.
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Many investigative journalists, like Gavin MacFadyen, kept detailed records of what was delivered to Wikileaks and OTHER entities in early 2016 pertaining to CROWDSTRIKE, the Clinton Foundation, the FIRM, and Rosemont Venture, among other things. Therefore, archives like past blog filings and articles of such announcements exist, even though they may be found on the front end too.

If there were rumors circulating about Braverman, why didn’t he just come back onto the scene? Is it because he was really busy with members of the FIRM, facilitating the “cyber forensics” exit plan that acted like a PAC, NEW DAY type of media that pushed conspiracy theories and tried to dilute the GOP support to President Trump?
Papertrail. Braverman was in Ukraine. The records exist. He was doing business for the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton campaign that evolved to work via Google Capital investments facilitated for Crowdstrike. After all, if his name pops up he was there for Google, right?
The information we have seen, but do not have possession of, had a very interesting chain of communication that jumped out. It was attached to “project proposals” relevant to this context. This alleged chain of communications looked like a private mode of communication that appeared to be a cross between FTP (File Transport Protocol) and traditional government cables with novel identifiers. Some easily identifiable names and or entities observed are key Crowdstrike persons, Clinton Foundation, Lone Capital, State Street Capital, Solamere Capital, British intelligence (GCHQ), John Owen Brennan’s AOL account, Penn Quarterly Group, an EU Technology and Internet Officer, Australia’s Chief Data Analytics, Imran Awan, various Universities around Europe, the Atlantic Council, Brooking Institute, Scytl, Brennan Institute, and members of the Obama administration (EOP emails HERE).
The context of the files attached in summary from our notes taken during this viewing were:
Why would Crowdstrike co-founder (former McAfee CTO) be showcased with world leaders in what seemed to be discussions of “DEPLOYMENT” testing in the DNC process of electing a candidate? These documents seemed to contain certain program deployment instructions that appear to relate to data mining and tallying of information for predictive outcomes. Why would the “IT GUY” for Congress be involved? From what we were able to decipher, reports were sent to a point of contact within NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Ukraine), a specific organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and Scytl, who is the lead provider on electronic voting software. We are told that this program report or source code is on the computer Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened police over.
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This report is a prelude to our next report where we discuss some of the newly seen documents and data pertaining to the DNC server that was allegedly procured by Seth Rich. It seems that the emails Wikileaks published weren’t what concerned the GLOBAL CABAL, it was the other data and programs/source code that WE have exclusively seen, which explains why Ukraine is such a “touchy” topic for the Democrats and some Republicans.
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