Controlavirus Crime ELECTIONS Featured Government Corruption Latest Microsoft Military Industrial Complex (MIC) EXCLUSIVE EMAIL| Contact Tracing: Obama, Biden, MSFT Test Run In Africa 7 Years Ago When something is given to you for free the commodity is YOU. Tore SaysJune 11, 2021One comment2.5K views3 minute read
Domestic Terror ELECTIONS Latest Microsoft Military Industrial Complex (MIC) NGOs US ELECTIONS Biden Campaign Using GOOGLE BACKED Company For Influence Operations Demagogues have been using INFLUENCE operations for a very long time to… Tore SaysOctober 8, 2020One comment767 views3 minute read
Controlavirus Coup Crime Health Human Rights Latest Microsoft Did China Just Admit the Obama Administration Funded $3.7 Mil for COVID-19 Development? Not only did China admit to harvesting and editing over 100 versions… StaffApril 13, 2020One comment3.4K views5 minute read
Amazon Crime Crimes Against Children Epstein Enterprise Google Google Government Corruption Human Trafficking Intelligence Community Latest Microsoft Military Industrial Complex (MIC) EXCLUSIVE: Epstein Flights, Photos,Who Fought Case Unseal & Mar-a-Lago Ban In 2007 Michael Wolff had claimed that he flew on Jefferey Epstein’s… Tore SaysJuly 7, 20192 comments7.2K views5 minute read