The Perfect Trap: A Digital Cage That Captures Both the Watched and the Watchers

But if the same intelligence networks that backed NSO needed a fresh, untarnished vehicle to continue their surveillance operations, the logical solution would be to rebrand, restructure, and redeploy under a new name—Paragon Solutions.

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Shadow Plant Ousted From ODNI- Who Is She And Why Isn’t She At Leavenworth For Treason?

The harm these “careers” have caused to our nation is IMMENSE and considered TREASON. She should NOT be working for BIG TECH PSY-OP company – she should be in Leavenworth paying her dues to the American people she has caused harm to.

Obama Plant In The NSA Allowing Ukraine And Democrats To Spy On U.S. Citizens

All Inspector Generals are working together there is a lot of inter-intra agency talk and sources say NSA is a bit out of the loop. It’s important to remember that Horowitz report is simply an audit/fact finding.