Forgiving the Unforgivable: Accountability Over Pardons

I don’t just highlight problems—I craft parsimonious, effective solutions. Always. I refuse to engage in content that merely stirs outrage or dwells on the horrors we face. I focus on practical, actionable solutions and bring them to you today. I urge you to join this fight for accountability, justice, and freedom. Together, we can make it happen. I am not just a voice; I am a THINKTANK grounded in Occams Razor.

Biden Hosted Luncheon With US Tax Dollars For Hunter And His CCP Business Partners

Has anyone been paying attention to VP Kamala Harris? What LLCs has she and her “boyfriend” flourished with lately? I believe that a certain company that Kim Foxx from Chicago with assistance from Tina Chen (Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff) helped create is very ambitious in Ukraine weapons even though it is simply an import export company.

Strewn Stories About Spy Balloon Do Not Add Up

This “spy balloon” nonchalant response by the Biden Administration comes on the heels of the propaganda being pushed that Putin will nuke the Atlantic to submerge the UK and NYC. It seems very odd and very orchestrated but most concerning of all is how PEDESTRIAN it feels.

LOST AND FOUND| High Profile ‘Kidnapping’, ISIS Leader Arrested In Ukraine Bust, Suspected Links To Yovanovich, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, And Romney

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 11/16/2019 (LINK TO ARCHIVE.IS) -REPUBLISHING since ToreSays SQL was purged on 08/17/20