California Woman Aiding And Encouraging Production Of Child Pornography

A criminal investigation between 2015 -2016 lead investigators to a Madera County…

UN Claims Sovereignty In Utah

Originally posted by Tore on October 28, 2019 An activist speaking…

Planned Capture Of ISIS Leader Was Months In The Making

Originally posted by Tore on October 28, 2019 Unbeknownst to many,…

Pathetic: NBC’s Chuck Todd Upset ISIS Leader Killed

Originally posted by Tore on October 28, 2019 In his first…

Heitkamp Talk Of Hanging The President, Larsen Criticizes Ilhan Omar, Guess Who Is Crucified?

In the past weeks Project Veritas has exposed rabid bias against President…

Afghanistan: Pelosi Impairs U.S. Foreign Policy In a Clear Act Of Mutiny

Pelosi and Schiff traveled to Afghanistan to meet with Taliban leaders and…

Jordan’s King Abdullah Rejects Pelosi and Schiff By Endorsing Trump Withdrawal From Syria

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and disgraced lying Congressman Adam Schiff…

DEMOCRAT PLAN: Russia Hoax Isn’t Over Yet, It Was Her Turn

The plan to remove a duly elected president from office because the…

CrowdStrike Strikes Again: Faux Impeachment To Force Discovery

Faux impeachment is a last ditch effort by the Democrats that they believe will back the Trump administration up against the wall, forcing them to reveal ongoing criminal investigations and grand jury hearings to justify their transnational corroboration. They have to do better than that. American voters are not that daft and President Trump loathes bullies. #bebest

AUDIO : Horowitz Said Dossier Was Salacious And Unverified

It’s been almost 10 days since Inspector General Horowitz was grilled by…