China Controlavirus Crime Domestic Terror Government Corruption Health Latest US Politics EVIDENCE: They Are Terrorizing The Nation With Skewed COVID-19 Death Tolls What we are observing today is the healthcare industry laundering deaths. Scientific data… Tore SaysApril 7, 20202 comments1.4K views9 minute read
Controlavirus Crime Domestic Terror ELECTIONS Government Corruption Health Latest Military Industrial Complex (MIC) US ELECTIONS White House PLANDEMIC OR INFODEMIC: The DEVIL Is In The Details We have all seen this movie before. The one where the same… Tore SaysMarch 28, 2020No comments2.2K views9 minute read
Health Organ Harvesting Right To Life US News Democrats | Organ Harvesting PUSH Targets Children As Young As 14 Originally posted by Tore on December 5th, 2019. For the past… Tore SaysDecember 5, 20192 comments1.5K views9 minute read
Brunei Crime Crimes Against Children Epstein Enterprise Government Corruption Human Trafficking Latest Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Right To Life State Department World News EPSTEIN BUSINESS PARTNER CLINTON FOUNDATION RECEIVED MONEY FOR EPSTEIN “SERVICES” According to Epstein flight manifests former Impeached President Bill Clinton along with… Tore SaysJuly 8, 2019No comments2.2K views4 minute read
Crime Crimes Against Humanity Government Corruption Health Human Rights Oregon OREGON: Bill Passed to Legalize Starving Mentally Ill Patients so they Die Faster The most recent bill to pass in Oregon illustrates the state of… Tore SaysMarch 23, 2019No comments1.4K views7 minute read