According to Epstein flight manifests former Impeached President Bill Clinton along with passengers that are listed below were picked up by Jefferey Epstein in Japan with a final destination of Brunei.

While I scoured records to find flights and or events of former President Clinton attending Asia nations – I came up empty. Though, I did discover that he traveled to Japan by GOVERNMENT aircraft – a “hop” confirmed to me over telephone. Incredibly and with no shame EPSTEIN’S Lolita Express landed and picked up Clinton as well as other guests from the LARGEST US NAVAL BASE in Japan : NAS Atsugi (RJTA). There are military records of the jet landing and departing according to our source that wishes to remain anonymous that was an AC (Air Traffic Control) non-commissioned officer at the time.

Who boarded Epstein’s plane from a MILITARY installation in Japan:

  • Former Impeached President Bill Clinton
  • MC XG – Stands for “Royalty” of XG Co., Ltd. Believed to be Wang Zhenhua as it is an older sub of Future Land Holdings.
  • Doug Band– Special Assistant to President Clinton/ New NYC PedoDen?
  • Pete RATHGEB-???
  • Janice/Jessica- Two Specially Curated Females ages 13-14 that MCXG brought
  • PASSENGER 2-3: Procurement Agents to Cater Sex Trafficking Client Needs for FIFA 2002
  • PASSENGER 4: Cindy Lopez – Epstein Sex Slave
  • PASSENGER 5: Sarah Kellen- Epstein Sex Slave and Recruiter
  • PASSENGER 6: “Clean Energy” Advisor for Dresdner KW Bank Director of Singapore

The next stop they made was to Hong Kong International Airport VHHH to refuel. They proceeded to stop off at ZGSZ airport. It’s the third largest International Airport in Guangdong China, Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport. The flight logs don’t show it but it is alleged that two other passengers was received before they reached their final destination.

  • Jiang Zemin – Former President of China
  • Jiang Zemin’s Security Detail

Former President Jiang Zemin was in Shenzen on May 23, 2002 for a meeting with Guangdong officials about the state of their economic shortfalls as reported by China Daily on May 24, 2002.

The next destination was (WSSS) Singapore International Airport where they dropped off the “Clean Energy” adviser and were entertained in Singapore staying at a boutique hotel the outgoing Chinese President chose.

Two days later they departed for (VTBD) Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand without the Chinese President  where they picked up three Thai 12-14 year old females and departed for Brunei.

In 1997, during Clinton’s final term of his presidency a woman named filed by former Miss USA named Shannon Marketic sued Jefri and the sultan for $10 million, claiming that she and six other young women had been hired for $127,000 each to travel to Brunei for professional appearances, supposedly involving “intellectual conversations” with visiting dignitaries, but instead were forced to serve as “sex slaves.”

The Sultan relied on the one fact of DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY to beat the charges he was facing. The Clinton Administration helped make the case go away on the notion of diplomatic immunity. When he arrived to visit Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah he brought with him the perks of Jeffrey Epstein and made the introduction to the Sultan as a man that can select the right women that won’t cause the concerns that arose by former Miss USA.

This introduction earned the Clinton Cartel between $1 MILLION- $5 MILLION.

Most of the girls were Filipino or Thai, many as young as 15. There’s no such thing as underage over there.

“Lauren” NY Post Interview 2014

Clinton stayed in the Emperor Suite of the sultan’s Empire Hotel, a $16,600 per night “football-field sized suite that features its own swimming pool and carpets flecked with real gold.

Washington Beacon 2015
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) speaks with Brunei’s Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (C) as they sit for dinner at the Istana Nurul Iman Palace in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, on September 6, 2012. Clinton began a visit to the tiny sultanate of Brunei September 6 in her latest stop on a tour seeking to cool tensions in the South China Sea. AFP PHOTO/POOL/Jim WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/GettyImages)

Epstein left on the 27th of May without Clinton. Instead Clinton spent time with the Sultan and flew to Europe on the Sultan’s private jet where he met up with his wife to discuss initiatives of the Clinton Foundation with a committee.

This is just another example of the CLINTON Cartel Quid Pro Quo and “helping” their friends for a price. The Sultan got away with the charges brought upon him and Epstein gained a very lucrative client while the Clinton Cartel got a hefty finders fee and a tip. We can add Crimes Against Children and trafficking to the list of criminal deeds by the Clinton Cartel or simply call it what it is: The Clintons and Epstein were business partners.

Brunei’s Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, left, leads former US president Bill Clinton to dinner at Empire Hotel in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. Tuesday, March 1, 2005. (AP Photo/ Rudolf Portillo) ** BRUNEI OUT ONLINE OUT**

During Epstein’s plea deal a letter hoping to boost his image stated that he was “business partners” with Clinton because he was a co-Founder of the Clinton Foundation. Epstein thought that waving his clout with former IMPEACHED President Bill Clinton would help his image apparently it worked then but not now.

Coming Soon…

Two things that popped up during this investigation:

  • A) A CURIOUS investment the Sultan of Brunei did in 10/1999 to an ENERGY company and receiving a huge return that was identified as CLINTON owned company but in fact ENRON! *Coming Soon*
  • B) The Clintons raised money for something INTERESTING between 1998-2003. **NEXT**

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