As stated in the previous article “Insurrection” FIBBING FBI, FAKE NEWS AND TRUTH it seems like all media – left, right, center and “patriotic” can’t stop talking about the low hanging fruit John Sullivan when almost all arrests and wanted pictures are of democrats, democrat socialists, ANTIFA, BLM, Sunrise Movement, foreign actors and Never – Trumping Federal Employees. Why aren’t they reporting this?

According to the FBI, Photo#34 was arrested. Where is the media? Where are the trusted INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS doing all this work to show the people the insurrection was a coup? SHOW IT. Everyone knows it was, but all media is claiming it wasn’t and that it was all hot-headed “Trumpers.”

Democrat Socialist turned Trump Supporter OR is he AGENCY? Kind of looks like someone working for Obama’s Agency.

The FBI has not responded to a question like that either. Though, Wray told us that ANTIFA/BLM/SOCIALISTS/SUNRISE MOVEMENT weren’t responsible but their most wanted list is riddled with them. (insert eye roll emoji here)

They planned for months. The AFL-CIO bankrolled them and so did OPEN SOCIETIES. The DSA is militant, like ANTIFA/BLM/Sunrise Movement and the FBI knows this and WHO BANKROLLS THEM.- we have a video of that too…so does the FBI.

Totally not about ideology. (insert eye roll emoji here)

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