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22 posts
IC FP SERIES| Red Strings Attached: The CCP’s Financial Web of Influence (PROLOGUE)
Perhaps the most insidious element of China’s strategy is how it shapes the loyalties of individuals and institutions. Leaders, officials, and even citizens of developing nations are conditioned to view Beijing as an unstoppable force.
IC SERIES | The Exploitation of Drone Technology by Foreign Adversaries and Lessons from the Balkan Wars
In the modern realm of avionics, where technology drives innovation and dominance in the skies, infiltration has replaced invasion as the weapon of choice, making espionage a silent but formidable threat that demands unwavering vigilance and decisive action.
Strewn Stories About Spy Balloon Do Not Add Up
This “spy balloon” nonchalant response by the Biden Administration comes on the heels of the propaganda being pushed that Putin will nuke the Atlantic to submerge the UK and NYC. It seems very odd and very orchestrated but most concerning of all is how PEDESTRIAN it feels.