Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is one of the most corrupt people to ever take office in modern history. He made his mark and career by trying a former FBI agent for the THIRD time and successfully finding him guilty of being a double agent. This win secured him a seat in as a state legislator and then secured him his 19 year career in Congress. The details that are missing from this story are that his “source” in attempt for the third time to convict this former FBI agent was none other than a relative of Igor Pasternak.
This is a very important fact to remember as we discuss Igor Pasternak’s role in Ukraine, Congress, and the military industrial complex.
Who is Igor Pasternak?
Igor Pasternak was born in Kazakhstan and raised in Soviet-Ukraine. He studied engineering in Ukraine and worked for the USSR as an aircraft engineer. In the early 1980s he established his company Aeroscraft (Aeros) in Ukraine. Shortly after Schiff convicted the FBI agent and ran for state legislator, Pasternak’s sister moved to Southern California. In 1994, after successfully establishing, owning, and operating Aeros in the Soviet Union he moved to the U.S.A. Aeros being founded in Ukraine under Soviet rule is a feat that demands attention. You were not allowed to create businesses or research facilities in the USSR without government approval or involvement. Therefore, it is very strange that he owned and operated Aeros in Ukraine with no government investment or interest – that’s not how Soviet’s rolled – UNLESS you were KGB or related to government staff.
RELATED: COVER UP| Congress Re-Created A Caucus Created in 2015 Under Schiff’s Direction
In 1994, Pasternak came to America and went to where his sister lived in southern California. Coincidentally, the U.S. Air Force base in the area was going to close down. Therefore, he was able to “rent” a hanger while the base was operating and up until it closed down. This location is where he created his commercial blimps.
Blimp Maker Advising the President of the United States of America (90s)
In 1998, Pasternak was a guest at the White House where he had conversations with Bill Clinton and his team. They discussed opportunities with Ukraine. It was at this time that Pasternak expressed the need for the U.S. to cooperate with Ukraine in extraditing or investigating people who were considered criminals in Ukraine that fled to the USA.
In a remarkable case of coincidence, former impeached rapist pedophile President Bill Clinton signed the US-Ukraine Treaty.
RELATED: Breaking: Ukraine Extraditions US Bound?
Blimp Maker Advising the President of the United States of America (2000s)
The “blimp maker” got around. In 2005, he was part of a team of “experts” in advising the Bush administration of what an important partner Ukraine is. He advised on the benefits of an economic and geostrategic relationship with Ukraine and the United States of America.

In an agreement signed in 2005 under the Bush administration, Ex-Im (U.S. Export-Import) Bank and Ukreximbank signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together in order to establish a Credit Guarantee Facility of up to $50 million U.S. with Ukreximbank as obligor, under which Ukreximbank would make credits available to Ukrainian consumers.
RELATED: UKRAINE, OBAMA, BIDEN & DC MAFIA|Global Election Meddling, Personal Gain and Global Extortion
In other words, we were giving them a revolving loan to Ukreximbank which is the equivalent to U.S. Ex-Im Bank in Ukraine. Over a week ago we reported that the HEAD of Ukreximbank was “kidnapped” by Ukrainian Security Service and then CHARGED and is currently in jail for creating an organized crime group, embezzlement, and money laundering.
Blimp Maker Ukraine Advisor to Congress Since 2005
In the report to follow, we report on the close relationship Rep. Adam Schiff has with Pasternak. In addition, Pasternak has close ties with other members of Congress and members of the State Department. Some names include, and are not limited to: Nancy Pelosi, Bill Taylor, Marie Yovanovich (they had lunch a few times), Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt, Traitor A. Vindman, and others.
Pasternak received an award from the UKRAINIAN EMBASSY in 2014.
Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased bilateral ties between the two countries and has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.
Statement from Ukrainian Embassy
In this very revealing press release, Pasternak is placed in Ukraine during murky negotiations between former Secretary of State John Kerry and former VP Joe Biden as the Burisma debacle began.
RELATED: Exclusive:Quid Pro Joe, Hunter Biden, John Kerry, Burisma and Criminal Investigations in the Ukraine
Pasternak himself admits travelling to Kiev in late February 2014 for diplomatic reasons. Why would a blimp maker that just scored a $50 MIL grant from the Pentagon be travelling for “diplomatic reasons”?
I don’t believe it is right for the world to return to a divided Europe that robs countries of their independence, or their people of freedom. I’d like to encourage Members from different political leanings to carefully consider the ramifications these recent events may have on U.S. national security and nuclear non-proliferation globally. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for assurances by the Russian Federation under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, in which Russia pledged to respect the borders and sovereignty of the Ukraine and refrain from the threat or use of force against their political independence. I fear recent actions in the Crimea region could prove detrimental to convincing nations to abandon their nuclear ambitions or set a precedent that further undermines multi-national efforts to curb regional nuclear arms escalation.
CEO of Aeros Igor Pasternak
This blimp maker is more than he seems. Isn’t this why Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were being suspected of campaign violations? They were CLIENTS of Rudy Giuliani’s so it’s a big deal since it is something else they can try to trail back to President Trump. They never acted in an official capacity, they were simply translator or cultural navigators, so it’s a bit odd how no one who’s received TONS of cash from Igor Pasternak is arrested, or why Igor Pasternak isn’t being arrested for ESPIONAGE on behalf of Ukraine. #justsaying
A blimp maker that advised presidents, Congresspersons, and members of the Senate, who has raked in almost a BILLION dollars with no blimp to show for and now 35 years later is in the M-16 manufacturing business Maybe Amy Klobuchar can shed some light.
RELATED: Former CEO of Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman Wasn’t Missing, He Was In Ukraine
Regardless, Pasternak was “concerned” about nuclear proliferation and economic security. This is why he met with Eric Braverman of the Clinton Foundation and then pushed and lobbied for bipartisan support for Ukraine and HR 4279. The Ukraine Support Act was introduced by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and ranking member Eliot L. Engel (D-NY) on March 21st. The one that Obama signed on April 21, 2014 was to fund U.S. “marshalling” of Ukrainian elections, reforming the Ukrainian constitution, and “fixing” their judicial system.

Here we have actual corruption, actual espionage, actual foreign influence to our Congress and Executive Offices — but not a peep from the mainstream media (MSM). Time to round up these government-vetted spies that have made a fortune with our tax money and have laundered billions more for the corrupt “government servants” that serve no one but themselves.
If anything, I would strongly encourage Republicans to subpoena Igor Pasternak to explain his presidential and Congressional advising. In the capacity of taking billions of taxpayer-backed aid, maybe he can also explain how BLIMP making qualifies him to manufacture M-16s and produce the products we’ve “invested” in. Where are the blimps? Where are the M-16s? Audit anyone? In addition, he should explain his “mediation” between Burisma owner, Joe Biden and John Kerry, as well as his fiscal ties to Adam Schiff.

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