Scandals involving money laundering, child & human trafficking, drugs and crimes against humanity have one thing in common: NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or NPO (Non-Profit Organization). It’s incredible how “charitable” do-good organizations seem to fuel the most nefarious, evil and lucrative black markets around the world.
While most NGOs are nonprofits, few nonprofits are NGOs. This is because NGOs usually take on large – even international – projects, often focusing on regions of the world in need. Nonprofit organizations, or NPOs, are usually associated with churches, clubs and local associations. Doctors Without Borders, for example, is a nonprofit that is also a non-government organization. On the other hand, a local group registered as a charity raising money for a new Little League stadium is a nonprofit organization, but wouldn’t be called an NGO. ~CHRON
Once a nonprofit organization has been successfully registered, it can begin raising money for its projects and appealing for volunteers. Even a new nonprofit may be eligible for grants from foundations and endowment organizations. While most nonprofits get the majority of their contributions from individual donors, the federal government, as well as state and local governments, do offer grants and loans to many of these organizations. The majority of government funding programs are available from the website. ~CHRON
Senator John Hoeven (R-ND)

Senator John Hoeven comes from a long line of politicians that have impacted the face of North Dakota immensely. The image of those that represent the Republican Party and the NDGOP resemble that of ruling party. Hoeven is a career politician from a family of politicians. In fact, his father Jack Hoeven was one of the most infamous banking “governors” in the history of North Dakota.
Hoeven himself owns a bank that profits off of state run projects and owns several “investment” companies. His “visible” career began as President of the only State run bank in the nation, The Bank of North Dakota. He then went on to be Governor in which he actively, with his state counterparts (still in office) created the foundations to protect avenues exploited by global organized crime rings, specifically human and child trafficking.
In an interview with local reporter Chris Berg broadcast on Valley News Live, Hoeven asserted that privatizing adoptions and care for the elderlyby a local Non-Profit, which almost all are part of a global NGOs was how he believes “Less Government” more capitalism works. He pandered to the naive “republicans” or conservatives that couldn’t and wouldn’t grasp to what he had just done. It was the biggest sham of an interview ever and the biggest abuse of Executive Power by a governor in the state of North Dakota.
A statement from then Governor Hoeven’s office in 2005, noted that PRIVATE CHILD-PLACING AGENCIES must be licensed in North Dakota to facilitate adoptions and stressed the importance of collaborating with Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities North Dakota among other “religious” based organizations.

What then Governor John Hoeven did, under the direction and with direct collaboration with Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem and Secretary of State Al Jaeger who have both been in office for over 20 years is a what can be deemed a LEGAL cloak of protection for possible child and human trafficking on OUR dime.

In order for a Governor to use their executive privilege (just like the President) they consult with their counterparts for legal and operational implications. At the time of implementing this atrocity, then Governor Hoeven, consulted with the Attorney General and Secretary of State in respects to authority, legal challenges by the people that may arise and implementation.
The key and most primary challenge to his executive order at the time was VESTED INTEREST and TRANSPARENCY.
In respects to the vested interest one can only speculate based on his monetary gain and possible alleged involvement in illegal global organizations. His net worth exponentially grew as Governor of North Dakota but legislation changed and amended disallows the citizens of the state of North Dakota to obtain his actual financials. Even his financials disclosures as Senator are selectively submitted. Interestingly, the power of the Attorney General’s office affords him the right to write in REGULATIONS that are treated as LAW into North Dakota Century Code. In almost 20 years in office he has written in regulations that allow for concealment of such information, transfer power to specified offices without oversight and even promote severe conflict within the judiciary system.
For instance, our sources say that the Department of Justice was investigating two instances of QUID PRO QUO in the state of North Dakota. What is also considered a motivating vested interest. Apparently a Supreme Court Justice and a District Judge in the City of Minot (among others) overseeing cases brought on by Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem recently received a refinanced loans from the Attorney General’s bank and or “assistance” from the AG’s office. Needless to say with caution the judges always seemed to find ways to appease the AG. Quid Pro Quo has been alive and well in the state of North Dakota up until the election of President Donald J. Trump and his Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption signed on the evening of December 21, 2017.

Vested interest is hard to prove in a court of law unless quid pro quo is established. I do this, in order to get this. It takes two parties to agree in writing or by way of barter. How else does one explain outcomes that somehow make absolutely no sense? It’s like a judge awarding your landlord to evict you after you have moved out and had your rent paid up to the date you left! Bizarre and blatant yet a factual occurrence.
The only way VESTED interest proliferates and is sustainable is by being able to obfuscate personal gain, involvement in atrocious crimes and activities by way of stymieing transparency.
Below it is indicated that John Hoeven entered the Senate in 2010 with a net worth of $21 Million which is an incredible amount in the first place. Considering Hoeven is a career politician and PUBLIC SERVANT one would speculate that number to be insanely indicative of VESTED INTEREST motivated activities in office as President of the Bank of North Dakota and Governor. Again, this cannot be proven because the state of North Dakota has laws protecting public servant financials including and not limited to JUDGES.
Hoeven has seen an increase in his net-worth by an extraordinary 24% percent every year since he has elected the position to SERVE the people of North Dakota in 2009 as Senator

If that isn’t enough to demonstrate some substantiation to allegations into vested interests driving his policies, voting and actions maybe the graphic below depicting his NET WORTH growth in ONE TERM as Senator will.
Notably, former Senator Heidi Heitkamp also a millionare that grew her fortune through public service and substantially while in the senate.
Remarkably, Senator Kevin Cramer, also a career politician and former Congressman of North Dakota is a perfect depiction of what one’s net worth looks like when they have been serving the people all their life. Cramer has a total net worth of an upper middle class American. His net worth, a little over $400K from mutual fund investments (IRA, 401K type plans) and property.
The most LUCRATIVE ILLICIT INDUSTRIES worldwide also coincide in operations.
- Drug Trafficking: $250 Billion
- Child and Human Trafficking – $200 Billion
- Stolen Oil – $185 Billion
Specifically, in the state of North Dakota, drug trafficking rings use child and human trafficking as well as stolen oil as currency to fund their activities. Illicit industries are rampant and are able to circumvent national laws and regulations, and of course take advantage of new international networks and technologies.
They successfully maneuver under the guise of Non-Profits and legal entities that operate with little to NO oversight.
The size of these “black market” industries are simply estimations because we cannot tally something that lacks oversight. The only thing we can do to hone in on their operations is identify pattern between those that create legal loopholes or shelters for such activities to possibly fester and their advocacy to be GATEKEEPERS of such.
Notably, the most frequent cases of child and human trafficking in the state of North Dakota plague the Native American communities. Interstingly, Senator John Hoeven sits on committees for Native American communities in the state and on a federal level, which is probably a coincidence.
RELATED: Unholy Alliance: Christian Charities Profit from $1 Billion Fed Program to Resettle Refugees, 40 Percent Muslim
Notably, even though Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and several other Christian organizations are technically “non-profits” they are profiting from lucrative contracts with the federal government to resettle refugees in the United States and lucrative conduit contracts with the states they operate in.
Lutheran Social Services is a Voluntary agency (VOLAG) something the Obama Administration ensured was protected, “vetted” and able to carry federal contracts to serve children and refugees.
The numbers in regards to profiting off of ADOPTIONS and FOSTER CARE by Lutheran Social Services ONLY in the State of North Dakota tally up to over $20 Million that is exluding the insane profits they and other private companies and contractors that engage with them for refugee resettlement.
To understand the lack of oversight here is a report on how “loosely” they are monitored in respects to refugee resettlement. A report by Ann Corcoran written at Refugee Resettlement Watch stated:
Refugee resettlement is profitable to the organizations involved in it. They receive money from the federal government for each refugee they bring over. They have almost no real responsibilities for these refugees. After 4 months the “sponsoring” organization is not even required to know where the refugee lives.
Refugee Resettlement Watch
In addition Ann Corcoran broke down the gravy train of refugee resettlement here:

Unfortunately, we are unable to have a transparent break down and evaluation of the insane profiting that Lutheran Social Services and other religiously affiliated charities in the state of North Dakota enjoy as they delved into Child Adoptions and Foster Care because they refuse and are not obliged to offer their financial or operational records because they are a private entity. The only way you can obtain their “books” is through a subpoena that can also be contested.
Transparency is key in order to identify vested interests and prosecute and or eliminate illicit industries and activities. Thus, the only way to offer a CLOAK of protection to such industries is by affording them rights to conceal information.
When a government entity like Health and Human Services received federal and state tax payer money to apply to a service the citizens of the United States of America are entitled to see all aspects of every penny that is spent, their communications, their decision making process when awarding money to third parties and justification of each penny allocated.
What happens when the money vested to a government entity to finance foster care, adoptions and maintenance of children that have become ward of the state is allocated to a non-public entity, a private organization? Simply put, you have no right to request, observe, demand or audit their operations.
As you see below from a specific excerpt during a Human Services Committee hearing in 2017 they revisited how then Governor John Hoeven under the direction of his counterparts, addressed that. They are obliged to fulfill reporting requirement.

The excerpt is from a “STUDY OF REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT –
BACKGROUND MEMORANDUM” for the Health and Human Services Committee for the State Legislators. It clearly indicates the transfer and shift of authority to Lutheran Social Services. This hearing was based on finding that the number of refugees being resettled and UNACCOMPANIED minors do not reflect what the state officials have. In other words, the “REPORTING” by Lutheran Social Services DOES NOT match what the state has. The balance of human capital cannot be reconciled.
In other words, a “faux” remedy was placed in the language when using his executive authority as governor to have them fulfill reporting requirements. Yet, the reporting requirements were just that, SELF reporting.
Example: My company gets $100 a year from the federal government and state to plant trees. My yard is private so no one can really check how many trees I actually have. I provide and expenditure report telling the government that I spent $10 dollars on seeds for 5 newly planted trees, $60 on soil for them and $30 on water to maintain them. In actual fact I planted NO TREES. The government cannot see that I have no planted any trees because I am a private company and therefore I am protected by law. The only way they can see how many trees I actually planted is if a whistleblower from within my company comes forward with evidence OR it is discovered by accidental disclosure.
In this case study we are not talking about trees, we are talking about innocent CHILDREN either “obtained” by a NON-JUDICIARY organization called CPS, by circumstances of abandonment or loss of parent OR imported as a commodity as unaccompanied refugees from other nations. I am a huge fan of capitalism and privatization but in a society where there are many voices to be heard, a fine balance must be had. Government oversight is imperative when the majority of the “private entity’s” income is tax payer funded therefore negates the reasoning for them to be carrying out services the government should.
Is Lutheran Socials Services Above the Law?

If I were Senator Hoeven and had with good intentions vested all trust of children in Lutheran Social Services and was informed that there were SEVERE indications of fraud, abuse, and waste of tax payer dollars in my state to the level of HIGH CRIMES I would be demanding an investigation. I personally reached out to his office and received no response.
In fact, the Attorney General of North Dakota Wayne Stenehjem could have in March of 2019 when the Auditor published. The State Auditors report was VERY alarming and raised questions of substantial discrepancies in regards to tax payer money [MILLIONS] and inability to determine how MANY children were adopted and or still in the system of the POSSESSION of these “private companies”. It’s been over 6 months and it seems like I am the ONLY one in the whole state filing complaints even BEFORE the the State Auditors report that demonstrated how innocent children who are US citizens and unaccompanied minor refugees data seems off and “erroneous”.

The local media didn’t even touch it. In fact, they made every excuse to turn a blind eye. I sent them everything I had. Documents, pictures, testimony and even a link to the State Auditors report and no one spoke a word. That tells you exactly what you need to know about media and their “news” in the state of North Dakota. Integrity, morals and a duty to inform their subscribers is out the window.
The explosive North Dakota State Auditor report PUBLISHED on March 25, 2019 was so damning that the North Dakota State Legislators pushed and voted in legislation to DISALLOW him to do his JOB. Sounds insane? Here is the reporting on it. The state agencies are so upset that they have come after his position, sources claim that he has been investigated with SECRET SUBPOENAS, monitoring his communications that we have not been able to substantiate as only one state authority has that right: ND AG OFFICE and that office has a history of non-compliance with Open Records requests.
RELATED: Burgum Signs Off on Legislature’s Power Grab of State Auditor
Incredible how Josh Gallion does his job to provide transparency and accountability as State Auditor and the Governor lead the pack to limit his ability to audit and sets the tone of what is expected of the North Dakota State Auditor.
This isn’t how these things are supposed to go… It isn’t supposed to embarrass people
ND State Rep. Kempenich

RELATED: How Did the Entire ND Senate Miss the Section Gutting State Auditor’s Office?
A lot of legislators started having some issues with the way things were going and wanted to reel him in.
ND State Rep. Kempenich
Above are articles I have cited from The MinuteMan Blog which is the only source of newsworthy content in the state of North Dakota operated by anonymous citizen journalists. The MSM in the state didn’t even cover the malicious attacks against the State Auditor except for Valley News Live Show Host Chris Berg.
Without delving into too many details here are portions of the State Auditors Report that are of SERIOUS concern – no criminal prosecution or formal investigations has been initiated. Just like the anticipated Inspector General report from the Department of Justice by IG Horowitz, the Audit Report by Gallion is only a report and has no authority to prosecute. Prosecution lies in the hands of the Attorney General of North Dakota but considering his opinions and participation in creating possible avenues which can be exploited and allow child trafficking to fester it is NO SURPRIZE that he chose not to prosecute or investigate.
Things to consider is that this is not a 100% full blown audit. Only 63% of the Federal Programs in the state were examined. This does NOT include State Tax Payer dollars nor does it include State Programs of which these adoption agencies, foster care agencies and others obtain funding from on a state level.
The first RED Flag is the ORR reports that Lutheran Social Services submitted to the Department of Human Services. The reports were literally a copy paste. It’s almost as if they knew what they had in mind as an end goal and thus ensured the numbers matched in a very elementary depiction of figure placement.
Incredibly, I reached out to LLSND and requested the full audit documentation citing the fact that their funding for operations into anything related with children is almost 99% funded by tax payer dollars. Their response was that they are not required by law to show or provide their full reports and or audits and or details justifying a very consistent number of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors on their end that does not RECONCILE with the state records.
Below is what was submitted as “record keeping” for children they are responsible for that indicates they are in possession of only 61 yet their placement fluctuates and again does not reconcile with funding and or records at a state level.

What is more alarming is the ORR reports that were submitted and NOT reviewed by the state Department of Human Services, clearly indicate a copy paste and bit of maneuvering to match their remedial spreadsheet in numbers.
Foster Care in the state of North Dakota is also handled by Lutheran Social Services and has been found to have SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES in keeping tally of HOW MANY KIDS are in the foster system.
How can they not have proper monitoring procedures in place for children that are the most vulnerable to exploitation. In fact, there should be a gazillion checks and balances when it comes to these children.
The most alarming and strong indicator of complacent and even suggestive collusion between government agencies and these religious conduits for adoptions is the hyper minimization of what is blatantly a significant financial crime at the very least.
These outrageous “discrepancies” have gone UNDETECTED internally due to lack of internal oversight at the DHS. What is being illustrated as ONE adoptive parent receiving MONTHLY payments of over $50,000 a month may indeed be an entity.
This finding was what is called “ACCIDENTAL DISCLOSURE” and was ONLY detected because it was carelessly credited to FEDERAL funds. Imagine the “discrepancies” that may arise from a thorough audit of these “private entities” that carry out the duties for DHS, like Lutheran Social Services on a state level.

To be clear, ONE adoptive parent was receiving over $50,000 a month from conduit on behalf (LSS?) of the office of the Department of Human Services for over 15 months for ONE adoption.
Almost ONE MILLION federal and state tax period dollars in a period of 15 months for ONE adoption to ONE parent ONLY? I’m NOT BUYING IT are you?
The Department “CLAIMED” that this was a mis-keyed payment amount. This warrants a THOROUGH investigation and at the very least criminal prosecution for fraud and what seems to be indicative of possible CHILD TRAFFICKING.
If I had adopted a child and suddenly the “government” was sending me monthly payments of over $50,000.00 I would be calling them to find out why since I know I am not entitled to it. My investigation leads me to believe that this was NOT one ADOPTIVE parent but an entity.
Concluding this short Case Study report demonstrates how a citizen’s blind trust and lack of information can lead to creating avenues that illicit criminal organizations are able to take advantage of to perpetuate evil and horrific crimes. It is important to understand that when we vote for people who take posts within our state and to represent us out of our state that we consider VESTED INTERESTS and TRANSPARENCY.
Interest driven policies and laws are a direct attack on our rights as free people, as shareholders in our community and our safety as well as that of generations to come. One can only speculate the personal vested interests that these elected officials have or had when they created the avenues that are low hanging fruit for criminal organizations. Is it personal or just business?
For the FAKE NEWS – the Corrupt Local and National Media – that want “HARD FACTS” to report (even though they bury news about pedophiles and other crimes) I have a suggestion both as an audience member and a colleague: When you can’t get all the evidence you inform the people of what you have and let them decide. That is what journalism is – reporting things that your audience considers NEWSWORTHY.
FOR MORE CONTEXT ON CHILD TRAFFICKING IN ND:Child Trafficking Sealed Indictments Popping on the Rise
Tore is a nationally syndicated talk radio host that airs live M-F 12-2PM EST on Red State Talk Radio . Like my work support me via Cash App or PayPal!
Disclaimer: As a journalist any and all information that may seems to demonstrate or suggest a crime during the course of my investigations are always submitted to proper authorities prior to any publication.
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