Nancy Pelosi, is the speaker of the House which means she is number #3 in line for the Presidency.(–let that sink in–). Interestingly enough, a very under-reported fact about the Speaker is that she was the inspiration for the Stock Act.
The STOCK Act [The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act]
The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act is an Act of Congress created in order to deter insider trading. It was signed into law on April 4, 2012. Basically, use of non-public information for private profit (which has been illegal for all citizens but elected officials and government employees), including insider trading by members of Congress and other government employees.
The muse of this bill was Nancy Pelosi. House Speaker Pelosi bought stock in initial public offerings (IPOs) that made her rich! She had access to insider information and her actions would have been illegal if an average citizen had done the same thing. At the time she did it, it was LEGAL for elected officials. 60 Minutes had a whole special done back in 2011 on this matter which you can find here.

But wait there is more. Incredibly, this STOCK ACT excludes the president, vice president, members of Congress or candidates for Congress. The HuffPo published an article “Stock Act Change Just Quietly Made It Easier For Top Federal Employees To Inside Trade” which tells you just how they did it. They made a lot of noise but it was all a fake transparency move once again.
On closer examination, it appears that what Congress really wants is to keep making the big bucks that come from trading on inside information but to trick those outside of the Beltway into believing they are doing something about this corruption.
Yale Professor Jonathan Macey 2011 WSJ
A closer look into Nancy Pelosi’s DECLARED financials for 2018 we see some RED FLAGS, serious conflicts of interests and connections arise.

If you were a senator, Steve, and I gave you $10,000 cash, one or both of us is probably gonna go to jail. But if I’m a corporate executive and you’re a senator, and I give you IPO shares in stock and over the course of one day that stock nets you $100,000, that’s completely legal.
Peter Schweizer 60 Minutes
Nancy Pelosi owns over 180,000 shares ($5Million worth of 5,000 IPO shares back then that have split numerous times offering her many options) of VISA INC. making her one of the largest non-institutional stockholders. She has this stock allocated in a portfolio with an Investment Company called Isolep Enterprises who’s ONLY principal officer is Paul Pelosi, Pelosi’s husband. Mr. Pelosi acts as her “brokerage firm” as you can see from this Periodic Transaction Report. He holds her stock but also trades its with other unnamed Brokerage companies as indicated in her financial disclosures but not identified. The more you dig into companies owned operated or linked to the Pelosis, the more shady they seem. For example, they are linked to a company called “Good News for Catholics Inc.” It is a non-profit and their website is odd. Digging through the self-declared financials you will find that they have many companies that are coined as “Domestic Stock” or “Foreign Stock” which are not named on any of Nancy Pelosi’s financial statements. (Who audits these self reported statements?)
According to her self reported financial disclosures of US Assets and Liabilities she has over $70 Mil in liabilities. Curiously about $35MIL worth is recent by way of, mortgaging properties. This is highly indicative of underlying financial strain, a common theme among many Democrat House members, Senators and even some “Republicans” since President Donald J. Trump took office.

Let’s focus on: VISA and Payment Processors.
The curious relationship of Pelosi and VISA began in 2007, when credit card companies were worried about legislation creating new protection for consumers and stopping swipe fees to vendors accepting credit cards for payment. Those fees, were multi billion dollars worth back then and today enter the trillions.

If VISA tried to influence Legislators can Legislators influence VISA?
In 2018 we saw a trend of silencing conservative speech but we also saw that conservative platforms were being demonetized at an alarming ratge, unable to take online payments in a concerted effort to silence any organizations, novel independent news outlets and independent investigative journalists by disabling their funding.
SPLC Push Credit Card Corps. to Nix Conservative Groups
For years, the SPLC has labeled the Freedom Center a hate group and tried to get organizations like Amazon, Facebook and Twitter to ban us and silence our message. Yesterday, SPLC finally convinced MasterCard and Visa to cut us off. Now we can’t process donations from any major credit card companies
David Horowitz

It is worth mentioning that Pelosi owns significant stock in Square that has joined in on the vague “Prohibited Business Activities” excuse to disallow many conservative outlets to lose the ability to process payments.

Gab was targeted too by way of Stripe an online payment processor that is mediocre at best and that has a very bad history of holding merchant payments and not being transparent about some insane “escrow” policy that may or may not occur to every customer, but a frequent event to conservative persons or businesses. With such a terrible rating why are they so dominant in the cyberspace domain? Who’s backing them? Stripe is also HQ in SAN FRAN, Nancy Pelosi’s district and has received indirect MULTIPLE investments through alternative avenues such as Tiger Investments Global that have strong links to the Clinton Foundation and Global Catalysts that also lease a space tied to the Pelosis that funded Stripe $9 Billion shortly after the elections.

Breitbart reported :
The international payment processor Stripe has reportedly shut access to its payment processing feature, meaning the site is unable to accept payment via credit cards. Stripe contacted Gab with a list of demands which included: “Modification of your terms of service to indicate that adult or illegal content cannot be streamed through GabTV or otherwise distributed through the Gab service.
Breitbart Oct. 5, 2018
Nancy Pelosi is just ONE of many Democrats and Republicans that are invested in the very companies that are curtailing free speech, demonetizing conservatives and believe it or not are the ones “Questioning” those very companies during these Congressional or Senate hearings. It’s not just the DEMOCRATS it’s the RINOS too.
Why would any Senator like R-John Hoeven who is the the FOURTH richest Senator question Apple for disallowing conservative apps, Facebook or Google or recommend reprimand or even make sensible decisions on oil production when he’s got a personal financial interests in the millions? They should NOT be allowed to buy, sell, trade or create wealth while in office.

It’s time we start looking at their wallets – #FOLLOWTHEMONEY because that will tell us everything we need to know as far as their motivation and how they vote. Here are the 7 RICHEST Senators as of 2016 of their SELF REPORTED assets which reflect their actions while in office.
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) $243 MIL (Loves buying “shares”)
- Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) $93 MIL (Mutual Funds and Stocks)
- Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D) $85 MIL (Gold is his fav)
- Sen. James E. Risch (R) $53 MIL (Farming/Property)
- Sen. John Hoeven (R) $73.2 MIL (He loves Apple & Oil!)
- Sen. Bob Corker (R) $45 MIL (Owns a lot of American Soil)
- Sen. Ron Johnson (R) $36 MIL (Stocks!)
It’s incredible how they all get really “LUCKY” purchasing stock at the right time and make a lot of money at it isn’t it? What is most incredible is that we think they will be impartial to sanctions being proposed on companies that they are hundreds of thousands and even MILLIONS invested in! Why would anyone destroy a company and tank their stock with skin in the game? They wouldn’t.
In the curious case of Nancy Pelosi I noticed the SHUTDOWN hurts her as well as MANY other senators and democrats well with investments in “CONTAINER COMPANIES” or “Shipping Companies”. It would be interesting to find out exactly what they are shipping out or bringing into the UNITED STATES through the Southern Border and through our ports! This government shut down has slowed down port of entry clearing rate, which is obviously costing some serious coin.

This company is also housed in REAL ESTATE holdings of Pelosi as well as many companies she has interests in. Remember even Republicans voted against the wall so, once you open up their financials it all begins to make sense. These container and shipping companies are popular!
HERE is a link with Blumenthal’s financials just one of many examples that can further reinforce the notion of why they are so opposed to the wall. If these are legit transport companies wouldn’t they be coming in through our ports? Looking into their financials lead you into more questions than answers but one thing is becoming more apparent, their refusal of building a wall to protect Americans, stop human and drug trafficking seems to be about money and specifically their money.

Conservatives have been silenced on the internet across many platforms curbing their ability to speak and write critically of elected officials. This is a right that is afforded to us by our Nation’s Constitution. Nevertheless, they deny such bias even though their actions contradict their statements. This has motivated many conservative independent investigative journalists to dig a bit deeper and we realize that their incentive is nefarious and financially driven.
Throughout time the rule of thumb is – follow the money – because that leads to the things nearest and dearest to those in power. Taking a deep dive and reading into Pelosi’s self declared financials it is apparent there are personal financial interests that drive her legislative activities. In my opinion, we should advocate to our legislators to put forward a bill that would disallow anyone entering the executive, judicial and legislative bodies of government to buy, sell, trade or create new wealth while in office.
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Strathfield Business Precinct Sydney Australia has some serious redevelopment problems that need White Hat help to stop certain business Cartel(s) from squeezing out over 129 home owners of property values being deliberately undervalued due to a large proportion of the Cartel being Real Estate concerns as well as elected State and Federal Government Ministers having insider knowledge and choosing not to be concerned about the enquiry as it involves a multinational business redevelopment.
The unfortunate thing is that everywhere I go to for help the Government Departments that are there to investigate including ASIC, ATO etc, they do not seem to be interested in looking at or concerned about the information that I have put forward to them.
I am a individual person that does not have the money nor the resources to know where to start looking but I do know information that is important to sit down with an Forensic Accountant and anyone else who is able to untangle the information I possess to get the searches for answers on information that I do not know how to get through Open Source and or other information sources to track and follow the misdirection of assets and money.
Being able to possess this information is important as it will put the Cartel(s) on notice that the spotlight is on them and that it is a field that is an even playing field for all participants and make it a “WIN – WIN” for all parties including the most important players the individual land owners many of which are old retires who have trusted these people over the years.
If you can direct me to help, please show me as I keep hitting brick walls.
The worst comment to me was “It’s business”
My comment to that is “They are like a house of cards”.