Kaitlin Bennett (@KaitMarieox) is known for being an agitator. She even targeted a child who had to change her school, shaming the child who was already struggling for simply being a victim of an unspeakable crime. Apparently, her excuse was Alex Jones paid her a lot of money to do so. The minor child filed charges against her in her home state of Ohio, and she “moved” to Florida to avoid any QUESTIONING. The District Attorney cannot pursue the case against her until the police question her.
While going through Hunter Biden’s laptop, we discovered the type of pornography that makes you sick. Hunter Biden shares the same FETISH that Kaitlin Bennett has. : Coprophilia

Vice reported on this weird fetish. “Feet. Feces. Statues. These are such common fetish objects that experts have given them names. (Coprophilia, by the way, is arousal to shit.) Sexual fetishes don’t stop at objects, either: Specific settings and scenarios—everything from caves to foggy weather—are well documented in the existing fetish literature.”
According to their report, “Your personality may also play a role. “There are probably some traits that predispose people to enjoy fetish sex,” Lehmiller says, adding that sensation-seeking is one example. Or it could simply be how you’re wired: One study suggests that the areas of the brain that light up in response to pain and pleasure have a lot of overlap; crosstalk between these overlapping networks might help explain why BDSM is so popular.”
Coprophiliacs get sexually aroused with poop. Their personality traits described by psychologists are identical to what we see in Drug Addicts like Hunter Biden and agitators that attack children like Kaitlin Bennett. Notably, Hunter Biden also had CHILD photos in the album with the poop porn, making it pretty bizarre and concerning.
I guess Coprophilia is common in humans that have morals that are in the toilet.
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