It’s interesting how BIG CORPORATIONS are pushing for the people of the United States to get the COVID VACCINE that is EXPERIMENTAL. There is a motivating factor for that. Actually there are a few.
Firstly, by “mandating it” they are able to collect health data, genetic data and well — oodles of data. Data is this century’s GOLD. The flip side. Isn’t it interesting how all the OLD people got the vaccine first? Turns out – LIFE INSURANCE policies WON’T PAY OUT on death either because of the vaccine or later in life.
YES. Millions of Americans just got shafted out of their life insurance policies.
This discussion began a few weeks ago and it’s taken us that long to determine that SNOPES is full of it. After all we know they “Fact Checking” they do. In fact they quoted a Canadian Company (this is the United State of America … we have no Queen) and a lame response from a LOBBYIST who in essence has ZERO authority to speak for MetLife, State Farm etc..

We actually called around asked for life insurance policy documents and none would provide them unless we were purchasing life insurance. After providing our information to various agents and being spammed we later found out the FULL policy with all the fine print is sent to you ONCE you are approved and arranged a payment. It is at that time you have anything between 7 -15 days to cancel the policy without a “penalty” or something like that. Therefore, we sought out the internet to find such underwriting far and wide and the majority that came back was that of STATE FARM. Citizens from around the USA concerned of the Vaccine push checked their policies and called their life insurance companies. Here is what they were told.
Mutual Omaha We cannot answer that question as a hypothetical. As you mentioned in your policy any treatment or medication our insured customers take must be FDA approved. Denial of benefits may occur if our policy holders engage in any investigational or unproved treatments.
Policy Holder The COVID vaccine is experimental it’s not FDA approved so now that the nursing home gave it to me I lose my insurance?
Mutual Omaha If it’s not FDA approved ma’am it may invalidate your insurance. I can check that for you.
comes back
Mutual Omaha Ma’am I would have to refer you to your local agent to have these questions documented and your policy revised.
Policy Holder I don’t understand why?
Mutual Omaha Ma’am you signed your policy over 10 yrs ago. It’s not been updated. I have to terminate this call please contact your local agent.
It’s been three weeks and the policy holder has not been able to get Mutual of Omaha to provide a written statement saying that they will pay her Whole Life policy.

The same “THEME” of run around was given to all five persons that communicated concerns to me.
It’s incredible how MAJOR LIFE INSURANCE companies REFUSE to provide in WRITING that the COVID VACCINES will not disqualify their policy holders. One company, specifically MetLife provided a little bit of insight to a policy holder than expected.
MetLife : We cannot say what we exclude or don’t exclude so definitively. What you are asking me to do is adjudicate your future death. I appreciate your concerns that we do don’t cover non-FDA approved treatments, drugs and vaccines but we will have someone adjudicate it so something might be paid out to your loved ones.
Policy Holder : Might? So China releases a virus, topples our economy and pushes us to experimental medications to make sure we live and you tell me my family might get money from a policy that I have been paying into for over 30 years. This was an act of war.
MetLife: If you put it that way. We may not pay anything if it is determined to be an ACT of War and considering the medications were developed under EUA it may be considered as such. I dunno. I think you need to speak with your local agent.
Policy Holder: Basically, my money is gone because Act of War.
MetLife: It does state in the policy that an Act of War invalidates your policy but I would speak with your local agent.
What you should be concerned about is that NO MAJOR INSURANCE COMPANY will put in writing that POLICY HOLDERS who get a COVID VACCINE will have no negative impact on their death policy settlements. NONE.
Did you know that HEALTH CARE POLICIES also do that. For example even though PROTON BEAM therapy has been found to be effective in prostate cancer the Unproven definition, excludes treatments because they ARE NON-FDA approved. In fact they claim that because they are not FDA approved that means they are not determined effective for treatment. This is because they claim there are insufficient and inadequate clinical evidences from well-conducted randomized controlled trials or cohort studies in the prevailing published peer-reviewed medical literature.
Sounds like the people are getting the short end of the stick. The question is – mortgages require life insurance. Does that mean we will see an increased amount of ESTATE RECOVERY from insurance companies taking money out of widowed persons’ pockets.
Don’t take my word for it. Call your LIFE INSURANCE company and ask them to put it in writing. You obviously can’t trust the media – so don’t even trust me. Don’t rely on your local agent telling you it will be fine. GET IT IN WRITING from THE CORPORATE OFFICE. I would make sure to get them to commit in writing that if COVID is considered an ACT OF WAR in the future, that they will STILL COVER that.
Start making those calls.
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