The Senate GOP in Oregon is now being sought out by State Police at the command of the Governor of Oregon to be arrested. She threatened causing intense conversations with the Senate Republicans.
The Senate Republicans said they would do anything in their power and were “prepared to take action to stop” what could become the nation’s second statewide cap and trade program.
This “green bill” is actually detrimental to the state from a fiscal aspect and common sense aspect they cannot stand by. Here is the bill.
In a Democrat controlled legislation how does the minority get heard? They don’t. Thus, this morning as the democrats all called out at roll call not ONE Republican was present which meant they didn’t have enough people to conduct the vote.
In a few moments, I will not be in Oregon.
Senator Cliff Bentz
The GOP Statement reads:
We will not stand by and be bullied by the majority party any longer,” the statement said. “Oregonians deserve better. It’s time for the majority party to consider all Oregonians — not just the ones in Portland.
OR GOP Statement
Governor Kate already issued the order to State Police to arrest all Republican Senators.
I am prepared to use all resources and tools available to me as Governor to ensure that Oregonians are being served by their leaders. I am in close communication with Oregon State Police and my office is making preparations for a special session.
Governor Kate Brown

This bill would be detrimental to most of Oregon. It has measures that will cripple the rural areas of Oregon with all these climate change regulations. “Their livelihoods and businesses are at serious risk” said Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr
The right to bear arms was created to be able to defend yourself from the government that exercises too much power. Let’s remember when the government is no longer that of the people and it is oppressive and removes the right of citizens being heard it is no longer a democratic republic.

According to the Oregonian the 11 Republican senators are in hiding. Some of them are out of the state as well in order to prevent the Senate to be able to conduct any actions. They absolutely refuse to have the Democrat-backed carbon cap and spend bill that will cause harm to their constituents. Most Democrats are representing Portland and it’s surrounding areas while the remaining rural areas of Oregon are going to be severely effected by this bill.
As this develops it should be noted that they have now started FINING them for every session they miss. The missing legislators will be fined $500 for each floor session they miss starting Friday, with the money taken from salary or per diem. Can’t we do that with the Representatives and Senators in Washington?
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