Zachary Greenberg is NOT stupid. He’s far from it. Wait until you hear what his defense will be!

His LinkedIN profile is down and removed but some people are really good and collecting deleted pages aka grave hits.

Obviously Zack is not stupid as his resume depicts.

Haley Kennington wrote an article a while back on ToreSays which talked about Barack Hussein’s pride and joy project which when weaponized causes concerns of cognitive liberty.
Manipulation Of The Mind: Is YOUR Cognitive Liberty On The Line?
Sources say he wasn’t “studying” on campus but actually connected with research at UC Berkley connect to the Brain Initiative.
During this brief interview with Greenberg’s attorney you can hear how a reported explicitly asked if he is working at CALTECH. Listen to this video clip that was tweeted below.
The reporter asked “Is he a student or post doc at Cal now or anytime?” His attorney responded “I don’t know” .
This gets really Sci-fi but scientists, biohackers and such blew the chan room up where most nerds talk about ODD and non-mainstream research that is government funded. A quick Neuro lesson is warranted so that way you can understand why they requested probable cause to be sealed but more so to keep this nefarious project away from public view.

It would be awkward to release records of an NIH project that seeks to find ways to manipulate thought through FEAR conditioning. Many may speculate that conspiracy theories about “mind control” or conditioning thought might actually be TRUE. Especially when the public would realize that HUMAN SUBJECTS are being used for INVASIVE procedures to do so.

Who are these subjects? Where do they come from? Why would anyone VOLUNTARILY allow someone to cut their head open and get their amygdala stimulated by probes? #BUILDTHEWALL
His defense and probable cause?
Sources say he will claim to be a research subject (yet he is the brain imaging/mapping guy) to avoid responsibility. Anything but a sealed statement will in turn harm this “research” that DARPA and other intelligence community elements have been anticipating. This could lead to lawsuits on institutions conducting such research on humans jeopardizing the BILLIONS of dollars already allocated for it. #EthicsMuch
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