Carter Page’s FISA warrant is the only warrant we hear a lot about but not much about the FISA application filed against General Flynn and how it was created.
On December 17, 2018, coincidentally on the day that General Flynn was to be sentenced for “lying to the FBI” which he plead guilty to, an indictment was unsealed that Mueller’s team referenced in court. The court room resembled that of “Judge Judy” with the remarks made by Justice Sullivan.
He was referring to the Bijan Rafiekian, aka Bijan Kian, 66, of San Juan Capistrano, California, and Kamil Ekim Alptekin, 41, of Istanbul, and a Turkish national, that were indicted. The unsealed indictment that was released on the eve, day of General Flynn’s sentencing. They were charged for conspiracy, acting in the United States as illegal agents of the government of Turkey, and making false statements to the FBI.
It is rather curious how this case arose during Flynn’s sentencing along with the elaborate discussions on how General Flynn was cooperating with the investigation of the two individuals in Case 1:18-cr-00457-AJT . The judge walked back his comments but the MSM had already received the information of the indictment and from the wee hours of the morning, well before the hearing had already published various articles such as “Two Former Michael Flynn Associates Indicted in Turkish Lobbying Investigation” or “Michael Flynn’s former business associates indicted in connection with attempt to get Turkish cleric extradited” . The MSM judge and jury once again. There were other #FakeNews outlets like VOX who obviously spun the story to circle back to Russia that made no sense and was not ever in question as per Judge Sullivan’s comments.
From the testimony of the disgraced, lying, corrupt FBI Director along with Brennan’s we realize that in the summer, specifically June and July of 2016 the DOJ, Intelligence Community and FBI with full support from the Obama administration initiated a PLAN-Crossfire Hurricane.
It was at that point that anyone related to the Trump campaign, part of the campaign and potential pick for a Trump Administration came under scope. At the beginning of July 2016, it was public knowledge that General Flynn was being courted for a very senior position if Trump were to be elected. Politico ran a story on July 8, 2016 titled “Trump’s favorite General” suggesting he was possibly being courted for VP.

It was in July of 2016 when the two individuals named in this indictment began to discuss “lobbying”. Like most former intel employees, they usually created companies offering services to perform background investigations, intelligence analysis etc. As evident from the indictment they wished to reach out to Flynn Intel to get assistance. What the #FakeNews won’t tell you is that Robert Kelly was the POC. Specifically and so very timely with the FISA application, in October of 2016, Kelley registered Flynn Intel Group with Congress for its lobbying on behalf of a Turkish-owned company, Inovo BV. This was what Crossfire Hurricane needed to substantiate their application considering they had “one of their own” working this from the inside. Allow me to elaborate.
What the Fake News Omit
Bijan Rafiekian, one of the two individuals indicted is actually a VERY well known man in DC. Specifically, he was actually appointed by Former President Bush on the Board of Director of the Import-Export Bank of America.
Thank you, Chairman Dodd, Senator Allard. I am most grateful to President Bush for renominating me and granting me the greatest honor of my life, with the opportunity to serve my country, the United States of America, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. With 9 months of service in this capacity, I have developed an understanding of the Bank’s operations and mission. I have been fortunate to work closely with the most talented dedicated professional staff at the Eximbank. I would like to express my appreciation for their hard work in support of American exporters and their contribution to maintaining and expanding U.S. jobs through exports.
Testimony of Rafiekian during US Senate COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS July 11, 2007

Aside from the interesting line up of persons on the Senate Committee and the Counsel we see indicates that there are a few in various positions in government that know Rafiekian very well. What is interesting is that Rafiekian has LIED under oath, which makes this “case” interesting both in regards to timing of initiation of this so called lobbying and the omission of Mr. Rafiekian’s background very telling.

The foundation, for the FISA warrant application was THIS case. This “plan” to lobby for Turkey that just so happened to come up and quickly escalate within 60 days and information that the FBI, DOJ and Intelligence Community HAD in tact to apply for the warrant. Information they received from who? Who gave them this information? How did they have all these details so quickly and accurately? In October of 2016, Robert Kelly decides to file information relating to Flynn Intel. Sounds like the whole foundation of the application for the FISA warrant was manufactured and most likely WHY Mueller’s team has NOT implicated General Flynn in the matter.

The FISA warrant they FRAUDULENTLY obtain by manufacturing a “tie” with a Foreign Government to find any information on General Flynn and Russia. They recorded his conversations under this FISA warrant authorization which was done for TURKEY not RUSSIA.
“The recordings they have of Flynn talking with Russian officials show nothing more than cordial and professional greetings. Nothing that would even be considered criminal” says our exclusive source. This notion has also been confirmed by Comey’s recent testimony. This also substantiates the notion that General Flynn not being able to remember specific verbiage or phrases used constitutes a “lie”. I don’t remember conversations from yesterday let alone from weeks ago.
Here is General Flynn’s Op-ed about Gulen. Gulen who is the Turkish national Turkey is asking the US to extradite. The Turkish national who has a VERY close relationship with the Clintons and promotes jihad and “Islam” acceptance worldwide. Let’s be honest, Rafiekian lobbying to extradite Gulen is VERY far fetched. His history, his activities on behalf of Iran clearly paint a picture of a man who subscribes to Gulen’s teachings. This manufactured predicament and conspiracy was the basis for General Flynn’s FISA warrant and we expect Whitaker will take a good look at it.
Regardless, this is a FIX and Rafiekian a long standing Clinton Associate had his hand to ensure leverage to substantiate their frantic attempt to go before a Judge to get them to overturn the election results in January 2017. Rafiekian’s history and service in our country was not something that would cause alarm at face value when entering into a business relationship with Flynn Intel. Though it is interesting how everything escalates from zero to 100, once Trump’s RNC nomination is in the bag. How the DOJ had all this information transmitted to them neatly and orderly. How Kelly filed in October and not August or September and how substantial facts of Rafiekian’s political history and how he was part of the “transition team” on behalf of the ODNI never came up. Where is Clapper these days? Imagine going through all that work to entrap General Flynn as acting as a Foreign Agent and simply getting him on “lying” to the FBI. That is just how honorable this man is. A lot can happen between now and 90 days.
Bottom line: The FBI fabricated, manufactured and backdated their 302s to lock Flynn into a “lying” charge. This is why he is stuck. His case will blow the FBI weaponization by the Obama Administration wide open. #StayTuned
Did the Obama Administration reach out to Chief Justice Roberts in January 2017 to halt the inauguration? That is a question for the Trump Administration to answer or investigate.
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