San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz when afforded the opportunity she would use it to take a jab at President Trump. Most recently, CNN reported that Puerto Rico says nearly 3,000 people died in Hurricane Maria yet only 57 names have been mentioned according to many reports, justifying the President’s remark of the number being incorrect.
Early this morning FBI agents raided the very vocal anti-Trump Mayor of San Juan’s offices.
AHORA: El FBI allanó la Torre Municipal de San Juan, sede principal del gobierno municipal de la capital. Conduce pesquisa sobre alegaciones de favoritismo en el departamento de compras del ayuntamiento https://t.co/gp6eRoAGjy
— Benjamín Torres Gotay 🇵🇷 (@TorresGotay) October 16, 2018
Translation: The feds are reportedly investigating “favoritism in the purchasing department” of San Juan’s city council
The Mayor of San Juan tweeted the following statements
En estos momentos miembros del FBi están interviniendo en la Torre Municipal de SJ. Mis instrucciones como siempre son de total colaboración
— Carmen Yulín Cruz (@CarmenYulinCruz) October 16, 2018
Translation: Tweet 1: At this time, members of the FBI are intervening in the Municipal Tower of SJ. My instructions as always are of total collaboration
En estos momentos no tengo más información. Todos tenemos el deber de colaborar para esclarecer esta situación 2/3
— Carmen Yulín Cruz (@CarmenYulinCruz) October 16, 2018
Translation: Tweet 2: I have no more information right now. We all have a duty to work together to clarify this situation
Si alguien ha hecho algo incorrecto debe de ser sometido a un debido proceso y enfrentar las consecuencias de sus actos. 3/3
— Carmen Yulín Cruz (@CarmenYulinCruz) October 16, 2018
Translation: Tweet 3: If someone has done something wrong, they must be subjected to due process and face the consequences of their actions.
President Donald J. Trump and many other administration officials on many occasions have made it known publicly that corruption is running rampant in Puerto Rico.
This was evident during the last Hurricane disaster because of the lack of an emergency management plan, poor or lack of infrastructure which caused many problems to rescuers. It seems that the FBI is finally taking action on the concerns that arose by FEMA and other emergency responders who complained that government favoritism and corrupt antics were hindering their actions.
NBC News reports that “FBI agents were seen raiding an office on the 15th and 14th floor of Torre Municipal de San Juan, according to authorities. The operation was related to suspected corruption in the purchasing department.”
An FBI spokesperson told reporters according to NBC “We are seeking documents and evidence that support the allegation. This search will confirm if the allegations are true or not. We look through every document, bill, email…anything that will let us clarify the claims.”
“We are seeking documents and evidence that support this allegation,” an FBI spokesman told reporters. “This search will help us confirm if allegations are true or not. We will look through every document, bill, email … anything that will let us clarify the claims.”
“She is very upset,” said a former janitor at the city council office. “I was fired so that her neighbor’s daughter’s boyfriend got had a work placement for college. I worked there for 5 years and I am still unemployed because once you are dismissed from the city council no one will hire you especially from a job so low level like a janitor” said Jorge exclusively to my sources in Puerto Rico.
This story is still developing.