Originally published on Big League Politics on July 16, 2018.

The FBI’s “Citizen Log” program, formerly known as LifeLog, is at the center of #SpyGate and provided material for the Christopher Steele dossier. Fusion GPS had access to this government database through its operative Nellie Ohr’s husband Bruce Ohr at the Justice Department.
The #SpyGate conspirators used the code name “Crossfire Hurricane” because they were all using a contractor called Hurricane Electric, which has access to all of the Barack Obama and James Comey FBI surveillance programs on private American citizens.
It is confirmed that Russians hacked the entire database when an Obama administration French contractor snuck Russian code into all of the FBI surveillance programs.
“The access to this server is a free pass to pry into anyone’s life. This is were we store, collate and even plant information on someone,” a high-level federal government security insider tells Big League Politics.
“The thing about planting information is, we never use information that is fake, we use somebody else’s information and merge it onto our target’s profile. For example, if I want to take you out or silence you, I will link some other person’s profile that may be dubious or even criminal, link it up to yours where you might have a gap or where I can easily replace it because maybe you were really private during that period and then we have you right where we want you. This is what happened to President Trump” said our source.
Here’s how they did it:

Barack Obama’s FBI put in motion an intricate worldwide database with all private citizen information: facial recognition data, fingerprints, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN, and Amazon. Edward Snowden warned the world of this database. The Obama White House weaponized it and still has access to it as Obama operates in exile out of his Kalorama bunker in D.C. where he lives with Valerie Jarrett.
The FBI Citizen Log program was hacked by the Russians when one of Obama’s French contractors snuck Russian code into all of the programs housed at FBI headquarters — and on other public private servers linked to the Obama administration.
In his testimony before the House, Peter Strzok was asked what his email meant when he said “The version is different than the one we received from Corn and Simpson.” Corn and Simpson are Fusion GPS agents who were supplying Strzok with the dossier. But it wasn’t just Corn and Simpson compiling the Steele dossier. There was a different version culled from the archives of Obama’s Citizen Log program.
When the dossier was commissioned by the Obama administration / Clintons/ DNC they placed Nellie Ohr in a position to help conduct this opposition research. Nellie Ohr is a paid operative of Fusion GPS.
Nellie Ohr’s husband Bruce Ohr was Deputy Attorney General at the DOJ and had unlimited access to the Citizen Log server. Logging onto this system is NOT tracked, nor are any audits in place which means anyone with a specific email that is registered and a corresponding password can access this server.
Fusion GPS is linked to L3 Communications, owners of MULTIPLE “.gov” websites.
L3 Communications has direct links to the Kremlin and other countries. L3 Communications hosts their GOVERNMENT websites. Why would governments who want to maintain security and secrecy pertaining to their affairs hire a company – a “private company” that also has multiple contracts with the intelligence agencies of the USA?
The GSA has multiple contracts with L3 Communications that host, track, monitor and disseminate information for them. Below is the information for the infamous DNI communications channel used by Obama’s “Transition Team” from 2009 until 2017 to communicate on sensitive matters.
On backchannels, BLP is being told that the communications on this server were compromised and revealed. We know that some of the communications on this server spilled onto WikiLeaks:
Why would Attorney Generals of 12 states have email addresses with ptt.gov (like john.podesta@ptt.gov) like (Huma.Abdein@ptt.gov)?
Linode LLC, Cable One Inc, Hurricane LLC, Telia Company AB (Germany) and local rural or “fiber companies.” What do they all have in common? Let’s break this down and this way we can explain how it works.
Linode LLC is the preferred host for all intelligence materials.
“If you check government sites and do a traceroute ALL of them run through LINODE, but HURRICANE ELECTRIC LLC is the company of choice used by all countries who have access to the FBI Citizen Log. #CrossFireHurricane not a very elaborate name because Hurricane Electric allows for Peer-to-Peer sharing between global “partners” that share versions of #CitizenLog,” a high-level national security insider tells Big League Politics.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is known to exist between Fusion GPS and the Obama FBI. The memo was overseen by only 13 people in the FBI who approve Bureau partnerships, including FBI director Christopher Wray.
Bruce Ohr is the missing link.
“I can log into the system from any computer and as long as my computer has a good VPN and hop to access. There is some sort of system that logs in your log in attempts but that is scrubbed for “integrity of investigations” on a set schedule, but it does NOT log where you log in from. It only detects if your IP is a banned one. So basically, anyone with an email and password can log in,” said our source.
Nellie Ohr could have used Bruce’s log in details to access the servers at any time.
L3-Communciations, Hurricane Electric (affiliates in Germany) and Linode all share the same allocated block.
So basically, Fusion GPS was being hosted on government servers making it almost impossible to trace peer to peer transfers.
I reported that the Russians hacked the Citizen Log database, which was reported on by Buzzfeed News:

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