Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and disgraced lying Congressman Adam Schiff met with King Abdullah of Jordan, only to find out that the King of Jordan agrees with President Trump’s Syria withdrawal, as well as his support for maintaining the Syrian border, Assad’s government, and Russia’s reinforcement. I guess they are not ready for prime time players.
This last minute fishing expedition had two stops: Jordan to see a King, and Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban. This alleged bipartisan delegation lead by Pelosi and Schiff is really not bipartisan. Thornberry is the only Republican representative that joined the Pelosi – Schiff fishing expedition. He is not running for re-election. Like all compromised FAKE GOP, corrupt RINOs, he decided to step down rather than be called out.
Their first stop was Jordan, where both Pelosi and Schiff tried to get the King of Jordan to condemn President Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria, but they didn’t succeed. Instead, King Abdullah reinforced how important it is to maintain Syrian borders. According to the Jordan News Agency:

Turning to the Syrian crisis, the King urged a political solution that safeguards Syria’s territorial integrity and the unity of its people, while guaranteeing the safe and voluntary return of refugees.
The meeting also covered regional and international efforts to counter terrorism within a comprehensive approach.
For their part, the US lawmakers commended Jordan’s efforts, led by His Majesty, in pursuit of peace and stability in the region, praising the King’s wisdom.
They expressed keenness to hear the King’s perspective on regional and global developments, adding that they are pleased to be present in Jordan as the Kingdom marks 20 years since His Majesty assumed his constitutional powers.
King meets with US Congress delegation

A local royal family reporter source told us:
The U.S. Congressional delegation kept trying to get the King to agree or state that he disagrees with President Trump’s move of removing U.S. troops and their involvement. Statements like “You are a neighboring nation, you must disagree with the unexpected and reckless withdrawal of our presence” or “The American people feel that our removal of troops causes instability in the region, do you agree?”. His Highness was getting agitated as they kept trying to get him to say something he didn’t agree with. They noticed he was getting agitated so they started appeasing him. It was very awkward.
Exclusive Jordan Press
Multiple sources tell us that Pelosi and Schiff were actually discussing and negotiating foreign policy. What qualifies them to undermine our administration’s foreign policy?
They know the King of Jordan is adamant on a two party-state solution, as the only open entry to Palestinian territory is through Jordan for those unable to enter Israel.
As the Ukrainian quid pro quo is collapsing, Pelosi and Schiff are actually making quid pro quo deals to the King to find quid pro quo? Isn’t this a violation of the Logan Act? We have been told that the conversations are transcribed. Pelosi and Schiff promising two-state legislation to King Abdullah in exchange for denouncing President Trump’s Middle Eastern policy and actions.
Failing to get the King of Jordan to give them the sound bites and statements they had hoped for, they hopped on the plane and went to Afghanistan to meet with the President of Afghanistan and representatives of the Taliban.
This failed quid pro quo by Pelosi and Schiff cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Tore is a nationally syndicated talk radio host that airs live M-F 12-2PM EST on Red State Talk Radio . Like my work support me via Cash App or PayPal!
Special thanks to Scott Adams!
Originally posted by Tore on Loomered.com October 22, 2019