During a press conference, Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush referred to the Chicago police union as the “sworn enemy of black people” after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has been called to resign for her despicable handling of the now infamous Jussie Smollett hate hoax.
“The FOP is the sworn enemy of black people, the sworn enemy of black people,” Rush said. “The FOP has always taken the position that black people can be shot down in the street by members of the Chicago Police Department, and suffer no consequences.”
Rush added, “Let’s be clear: Kim Foxx, her battle, is with the FOP and all of their cohorts.”
Rush, who has close ties to antisemite Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and was actually one of the founders of the Illinois Black Panther Party.
Rep. Rush’s statement that the CPD are the “sworn enemy of black people” completely ignores the fact that the majority of violence in Chicago is actually black on black. Seems the true “sworn enemy of black people” in Chicago is other black people–but that won’t fit this narrative, so let’s completely disregard actual evidence and statistics and instead point the finger at the CPD.

The Chicago Sun Times reports that of the 76 murders reported between January 1st and March 31st in 2019, there was a 30% decline compared to the same time period in 2018. Over the last three years, the city has seen a 52% drop in murders, according to a news release last week by Chicago Police.
According to heyjackass.com, which tracks crime in Chicago, only one police involved shooting has been reported thus far for 2019.
Close to 30 police chiefs attended the news conference of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, joining President Kevin Graham in calling for Foxx’s resignation.
Foxx has stated that not only will she be completing her term -which ends in 2020 – but that she is planning to run for re-election.
Rep. Rush’s seat is up in 2020, and opponents are starting to emerge as they begin the early stages of their campaigns.
Robert Emmons Jr. of Hyde Park is campaigning for the 1st Congressional District seat and doesn’t see the CPD as a threat to the general public, let alone a specific race.
“I don’t believe the FOP is the enemy of the people,” he said. “There is a high rate of suicide among Chicago police, so there are immense amounts of trauma on both sides. We do have a problem because police can be overaggressive in our communities. They need better training to de-escalate situations.”
Seems Emmons sees both sides of the coin, and is interested in finding real solutions, not playing the blame game. Hopefully Chicago is as tired of Rush as the rest of the country and will vote him out in 2020.
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