Christopher Shawn Potter (50, Jacksonville) was arrested on September 20, 2018 and has been detained since then. Potter was a teacher at Clay High School in Green Cove Springs between 2016 and 2017 as well as a teacher between 1997 and 2004 at Orange Park High School.

On April 8, 2019 he signed a plea deal and plead guilty to distributing video child pornography that shows a child being abused.
Initial reports on MSM claimed he used a screen name named “Mr. Fireball” that lead him to be investigated. In fact, he answered an undercover officer online with the username “Catsfan1987” where he posed as a 14-year-old child. He then sent video of a child being sexually abused as well as a video of himself enacting in sexual conduct. He exchanged videos and various messages and requested the undercover officer (posing as a child) send pictures of themselves and meet.
A warrant was executed on Potter’s home on September 20, 2018 and several computers and smartphones were seized. On one single smartphone, 21 photos of child pornography were observed. When Potter was arrested, he confessed during an interview to sending the video of the child being abused and admitted he fantasizes about having sexual contact with young female children.
Potter signed his plea deal today, agreeing to cooperate and possibly provide more information assisting the police in their investigations of these child trafficking and child pornography rings.
Orange Park Police Department told us that ICE contributed to the investigation as part of a larger investigation they were conducting into the abused children.
He faces minimum mandatory penalty of 5 years, and up to 20 years, in federal prison, and a potential life-term of supervised release.
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