Homeland Security Investigations, HSI, constantly put out tips on how people can recognize if someone is a victim of human trafficking.
Recognizing the signs of someone being a victim of human trafficking can in most cases, save their life.
Here is a list of indicators as reported by WXYZ Detroit:

Some of these so called signs listed above can be attributed to cultural or socioeconomic nuances so not many people would register it as human trafficking since the consensus (Thanks to the #FAKENEWS) believes this isn’t something that is “real” or a problem even though it is an EPIDEMIC.

In all missing persons cases, especially those of children, local and federal authorities get tips all the time. On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Detroit Police’s VICE unit got such a tip. They investigated the tip and it turns out the girl (minor) was abducted and a victim of sexual assault. Her perpetrator had planned for them to move to Atlanta along with another minor girl who was kidnapped to exploit them in Atlanta’s very lucrative and horrid sex trafficking cliques.
The tip lead the police to coordinate with about 15 other police agencies and their lead led them to one of the most exclusive events the International North American Auto Show. The show ran from January 14-27 and people from around the world most automotive fans and those with big pockets, investors, attend. Car show girls, money, exclusivity, sneak peak into the latest and greatest filled with glamour and bling.
Most International Conferences are so packed with people that it is hard to track anyone or discern if anything is going on that may be nefarious.
When you’re drawing in a large number of people, and more specifically, male clientele, they’re traveling away from their families. They tend to flock to situations such as that.
Michael Glennon SSA FBI
Social media is the primary method human and child traffickers alert each other if there is a threat to their operations and to establish “transactions”
Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI Michael Glennon is part of the Violent Crimes Against Children and coordinates the Human Trafficking division.
Child and Human trafficking is a very intricate, underground network that is “secret” and very convoluted. They all work with each other to ensure their industry is safe and their methods of operations change all the time. When they feel they are being “made” they tell each other.
The weather reports are police activity. So if there are thunderstorms in Canton or it’s cloudy with a chance of rain in Romulus, they are illustrating that there is police presence or anticipated police presence. (It’s) a way of warning everybody.
Michael Glennon SSA FBI
During this operation over 22 people were arrested in run down motels and upscale elite hotels. The FBI reported that almost 40 children were being trafficked during the International North American Auto Show.
As President Trump continues to shine the spot light on Child and Human Trafficking and how the border left unprotected allows such operations to fester people are asking questions :
Detroit has a serious problem but the problem isn’t localized- it’s everywhere. It’s an epidemic. People from both sides of the isle are beginning to realize that a WALL at our southern border would put a serious DENT into this industry.
Children across our nation that have friends victims to such atrocities speak up. We are starting to see a wave of young teens come out and speak about politics because their future is dependent on it.
I have interviewed children that are in the foster system in North Dakota that speak of continuous sexual abuse and find no remedy to their ailments. These interviews are part of my almost decade old investigation into federally and state funded child and human trafficking organizations throughout the USA namely companies and organizations like American Pool Enterprises, CPS, United Work and Travel and Lutheran Social Services.
Every time I complain to the social worker that I am being abused she moves me to another home but on my file it says that I am a troublemaker. It’s as if they don’t care.
Female Age 14 North Dakota
I was sold by my uncle to some guy and they caught my owner and found me. It’s no different in the foster system they hand you over to people that see you as a paycheck and something they can use. The minute I say someone raped me their own psychologist tells me I am projecting. Not once have they ever completed a rape kit. They are in charge of my health so even when I told my school counselor, he told my social worker. My social worker denied me a visit to the hospital and moved me to another city with another family. This is why we run away. No one helps us.
Female Age 15 North Dakota
This is happening in our country. Organized child trafficking through CPS themselves. I believe it is time to start looking into federally and state funded organizations that operate such networks like CPS and Lutheran Social Services.
It is important to note, child trafficking is not just about sex crimes but organ harvesting and “off market” laboratories conducting bio-weapons and drug research.
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