On March 22, 2019 President Trump hosted a meeting with leaders from five countries in the Caribbean- the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti and Saint Lucia. The leaders themselves stated that most of the discussions held were trade based along with a promise from President Trump to send the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to visit each one of them.

The delegations that understand and sympathize with President Trump’s stance on Venezuela discussed how the United States can be a better partner with them, something that has not been done since the Reagan Administration. The day of meetings with the leaders was held at President Trump’s private and secure Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

The main take away from the meeting was to initiate an open channel of communications with theses nations and discussing trade and assisting them in being less dependent on Venezuelan oil now that the Maduro regime is being challenged.

This level of engagement with Jamaica hasn’t happened since President Reagan Met with former Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga in the early 1980s.

Prime Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness

It’s been a really long time since leaders of the Caribbean region have been invited to meet with the President of the United States and demonstrates what we believe to be the beginning of a much broader initiative by the USA to the Caribbean. This meeting was really about President Trump’s vision to re-initiate dialogue with the Caribbean.

Prime Minister of Saint Lucia Allen Chastanet
Participants at the Meeting in Barbados

Two days after the meeting the Caribbean delegations at Mar-a-Lago, CARICOM which is comprised of 20 countries and 15 member states and five associated members sent a delegation to Barbados to have a meeting with Juan GuaidĂł of Venezuela who joined via teleconference.

The leaders that had met with President Trump said they were not briefed on the sanctions announced the same day of their meeting by the Secretary of Treasury as they did not come up but Haitian President Jovenel Moïse  and PM of Saint Lucia Allen Chastanet both said to the press that the Venezuelan situation needs to come to a quick resolution. Caribbean nations have relied on steady and stable oil and gas relations from Venezuela as part of the PetroCaribe Alliance.

This meeting was indeed fruitful, positive and indicative of how President Trump is actively pursuing to empowering “forgotten” countries by the previous administrations and forge great relations with Caribbean nations that should be included into trade and strengthening relations between them.

Curiously, the MSM gave us a hint as to what was being discussed by reporting on a topic that was almost 15 years “old” and irrelevant in the news cycle. Why?

At our am briefings we are told what we should be reporting on even though it’s irrelevant. We don’t pick and choose we are instructed to report things no matter how irrelevant they seem and given all the sources and resource to cite.

Reporter for NBC

The article above is one of many that were published by ALL MSM outlets on the day President Trump met with leaders from the Dominican Republic.

Insider Reported:

  • Hadmels DeFrias was expelled from the Catholic Church after he was convicted of molesting two boys in New Jersey in 2005.
  • He is now teaching English to children in the tourist town of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where works at a private school called Colegio del Caribe.
    Hadmels DeFrias was expelled from the Catholic Church after he was convicted of molesting two boys in New Jersey in 2005.
    He is now teaching English to children in the tourist town of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where works at a private school called Colegio del Caribe. Hadmels DeFrias was expelled from the Catholic Church after he was convicted of molesting two boys in New Jersey in 2005.
  • He is now teaching English to children in the tourist town of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where works at a private school called Colegio del Caribe.
Hadmels DeFrias

Following pleading guilty in 2004 for criminal sexual contact with minors DeFrias who is originally from the Dominican Republic was defrocked. He was accused of fondling two brothers whilst employed at the
church rectory. Both boys were under the age of 14. He was sentenced to three years of PROBATION and barred from contact with children under the age of 18 in the state of New Jersey.

DeFrias left the United States and went to the Dominican Republic and curiously on the day President Trump meets with the delegation of the Dominican Republic this story comes out? NBC interviewed DeFrias the day before President Trump met with the Caribbean delegations. Here is the interview.

What was discussed with the President of the Dominican Republic? Just trade or possible extraditions?

Many things were discussed with the President. He wants to end a cycle of pain and hurt our nation and others undergo by people of power. The Panama Papers helped allow us to locate the money aspect of that drove activities but most of these people are untouchable and can bring nations serious backlash if we extradite or identify them. It causes a sense of mistrust in closed circles even though it is done for the greater good. CARICOM is struggling with this notion and kind of “hopeless” because entrusting one man to change a century of deep seated evil relations is unheard of. We all just need to have a little faith. Faith is what bring hope for a better future. Nobody wants conflict but nobody wants this to continue.

Employee at Press Office of President Danilo Medina (Response to our questions on March 25, 2019)

This Saturday April 13, 2019 developments hint that more than just trade and Venezuela were topics of discussion during the Mar-a-Lago meetings. Col. Frank Felix Duran Mejia, the Dominican Republic’s National Police Spokesperson confirmed that on Saturday April 13, 2019 Michael Geilenfeld was taken into custody by police in the Dominican Republic. No information was confirmed or denied that charges have been filed and if Geilenfeld was to be extradited to the U.S. or any other country.

PHOTO CREDIT: PUPPET STRING NEWS from 2014 arrest in Haiti

This was not a coincidence. We all know that President Trump made clear that abuse of children and human trafficking is at the top of his list for issues to be addressed in order to work with him.

Employee Domestic Affairs Dominican Republic (3/25/2019)
Heart for Haiti (Clinton Foundation)

Fox News Reported:

Geilenfeld is a U.S. citizen who contends the assertions have ruined his reputation, cost the Hearts with Haiti charity several million dollars in donations and led him to be falsely imprisoned for 237 days.


Many innocent people seeking to hold monsters accountable are sued in court for defamation or other false charges. We see that all the time. Money is a big proponent of such activities. Paul Kendrick is a prime example. There are so many righteous people picking fights with the Devil and are attacked for it, murdered, falsely jailed or their businesses destroyed. You cannot go after politicians, law enforcement and other big money players and expose their evil doings they will come at you. Lady Justice is not blind to dollars and my state of Maine is demonstrating that.

Independent Inv. Journalist Maine (interview 4/14/2019)

According to court records, Michael Geilenfeld a US citizen founded the St. Joseph Homes for Boys in Haiti that houses and provides education to disadvantaged children. Hearts with Haiti, Inc. is a nonprofit that is registered in the state of North Carolina and provides support for this home for boys by way of fundraising and mission trips.

Paul Kendrick, left, and Michael Geilenfeld

Paul Kendrick is the man that began shedding light on criminal sexual abuse by Geilenfeld and others to young boys by way of these charities. Many supporting Kendrick’s claim and a world wide network of private citizens with the ultimate goal of ending child trafficking for the purpose of sexual slavery, nefarious actions and organ trafficking have found merit to Kendrick’s claims.

Kendrick alleges that he received information that Geilenfeld was sexually abusing children being cared for at St. Joseph’s in Haiti. A former former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Rod Khattabi, who has been honored for protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation, corroborated some of the Kendrick’s claims during interviews with accusers during three visits to the island nation, according to court documents.

Michael Geilenfeld waits in handcuffs as the manager of his orphanage sits with him in the back of a police truck outside the St. Joseph’s Home For Boys after police closed it down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Friday. The Associated Press

On August 29, 2014 Geilenfeld was arrested by Haitian police and with a warrant they entered the orphanage to take the children. Curiously, the children were never removed from the orphanage and no reason was stated but Geilenfeld fled to the Dominican Republic shortly after his release.

Judge Woodcock had an order unsealed that Monday in which the judge also scheduled a phone conference to be held Friday August 29, 2014 between attorneys for Geilenfeld and Kendrick to determine how the lawsuit will proceed in light of Geilenfeld’s arrest.

The Portland Press Herald reported :

Geilenfeld’s lead attorney in the case, Peter DeTroy III, called the timing of his client’s arrest “suspicious,” given that it followed so closely after Woodcock’s Aug. 28 ruling against Kendrick. DeTroy, of the Portland law firm Norman, Hanson and DeTroy, would not say whether he thought Kendrick had something to do with Geilenfeld’s arrest.

People like Geilenfeld have a known tactic when a private citizen or unknown person comes after them: BURY them IN LAWSUITS to demonstrate their “innocence”. It’s widely known that Geilenfeld worked with the Clinton Foundation and was also enthralled in the most scandalous Haiti trafficking scheme involving the Clintons when Laura Silsby was arrested for trying to smuggle children out of Haiti.

Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking. As reported by ZERO HEDGE Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation into the Dominican Republic. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton.

Despite all of Geilenfeld’s deep rooted connections with child trafficking and internationally reported allegations of Crimes Against Children, Kendrick was sued for defamation by Geilenfeld and Hearts with Haiti in federal court in 2013. A jury ordered Kendrick to pay $14.5 million in damages, despite testimony from seven men who said they were sexually abused as boys. Though, the U.S. appeals court ruled that the federal court in Maine was the wrong jurisdiction for the lawsuit. Thus in 2016 they filed the defamation suit again in state court in 2016 and Kendrick has tried to dismiss it multiple times unsuccessfully and finally appealed to the state’s Supreme Judicial Court.

On February 21, 2019 Kendrick’s motion to dismiss was DENIED once again by the judge and now awaits a trial to which the jury will decide if Kendrick’s claims are defamatory. With new witnesses and the Trump Administration’s federal agents involved it is only going to show that this 8 year ordeal to stop the inhumane treatment of children under the guise of government sponsored programs and or charities may come to an end.

The arrest of Geilenfeld in the Dominican Republic is a HUGE indicator that the “little guy” calling out the Goliaths of corruption is winning and finally holding the various charities in Haiti held accountable for crimes against children. This arrest may indeed be indicative that Kendrick’s allegations were true. He did state the USAID was being used to BLOCK visas being issued for WITNESS to testify against Geilenfeld and sources say the Clinton’s had something to do with that.

Right now his arrest in the Dominican Republic to which he fled to after his release from his previous arrest in Haiti is telling and many are praying and cheering in support of Paul Kendrick’s ordeal to finally be over.

Citizen Journalism is Journalism.

It still costs money in the White House Scott. 🙄

Mar-a-Lago is a very secure location where lots of deals happen, private discussions ensue with world leaders and people like Scott Dworkin protest it … so it must be good. #Plumbers

We reached out to Geilenfeld’s attorney to find out if a telephonic conference between the two parties and the judge has been scheduled to discuss how they wish to proceed in the pending jury trial against Kendrick now that Geilenfeld has been arrested ONCE again but we received no response by the time this was published.

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