Perkins Coie is also curiously involved with the probes into to Hillary Clinton from Benghazi, Uranium One, missing emails and her bathroom server on behalf of their client and as counsel for her campaign organization Hillary for America.
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perkins coie
14 posts
Ministry of Truth | Pro Publica Edition
This write-up is a response to a press request for questions from…
FILE DROP| Burisma Is The Center Of Exposure, Not The Corruption
The Burisma emails are nothing compared to what other communications show. The…
Breaking| FBI Paid Crowdstrike For DNC Server Work
We recommend you watch the short video at the bottom to get…
EXCLUSIVE: John Durham was NOT Appointed by AG Barr
I said it was Whitaker, (and that is true) BUT ultimately it was under former AG Jeff Sessions that this happened, even though Sessions could not be directly involved due to his recusal.
Was Amazon/WaPo Source of Varsity Blues Investigation?
CollegeGate took everyone by surprise. Aunt Beckie and Huffman are simply pawns…
Mockingbird Media- OBAMA’s FBI & CIA Covert Takeover of FOX NEWS
Many people are up in arms with the recent apologetic stance, sanitized…
Stone Indictment Reveals Mueller’s GOAL
This morning in a very curious and almost staged arrest of Roger…
Death of the USA: Déjà vu From Kenya to Washington
Distracted by “The Wall” among other things…our Nation’s foundations were desecrated today.…
Clinton FIX: Uranium One to RussiaGate
As reported many times the law firms, that represent the corrupt clowns…