Don Lemon admitted on his own show that HE was the first person to speak to Jussie Smollett in the hospital.
Don Lemon also claimed that Jussie lost in the court of public opinion and in a very contradictory fashion, also goes on to say that people need to listen to REAL journalists. I think Lemon is not getting the part that #WeAreTheNews and his network is a has been. It was almost like he was giving Smollett advice!
Let’s remember that the story Lemon broke was not talking about skeptical statements and this video even claims CNN first reported:
I would expect no less because Don Lemon has been known to race bait and an advocate polarization of our nation. On his show listen to how he recounts how he found out about Jussie Smollett’s attack.

If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.
Conan O’Brien
CNN Damage Control
Indeed CNN is “fruity”. Don Lemon reminisces how he knows him and how they are “friends” / acquaintances and admits he was speaking with Jussie when he was in the hospital. CNN’s Don Lemon is the source of the story and now he is making excuses and excusing his actions of polarizing a nation and the race baiting culture by way of “being hurt” and now saying things like “Tucker and Hannity will use the Smollett case to attack journalists” . No Lemon, we, who actually do real reporting will call out that you and your Fake News channel are the source of this Hoax. Many people around the nation also speculate that you may have helped orchestrate it!

Don Lemon who works for has been “news” network now known as #FakeNews central claims that he “Had doubts and questions” but it doesn’t seem that anything he is saying is true.
When asked if he was afraid following the act of violence, Lemon said he had been living with angst.
“I’ve had fear recently… because of the political environment,” he said. “I get death threats… I have security, all of these things that happened. Listen, we’ve always been divided ideologically, but there’s something different going on now.
Don Lemon is trying really hard to distance himself from the Jussie Smollett hoax but since #WeAreTheNews we need to call out CNN for gas lighting our nation with racial tension that they enhanced and perpetuated.
Our source at the Good Morning America show who wishes to remain anonymous told us
CNN pushed for us to have him on the show claiming everyone is doing it and so should we. Producers were skeptical but CNN reinforced their continued coverage and plugging of our interview in exchange.
Good Morning America
We know how that works, we all do. Don Lemon, CNN, the #FakeNews in concert working together to drive narratives and like Comey said “weave the fabric” . Their fabric is that of hate, division, race baiting and a broken nation. No Thanks. Fake News CNN is indeed the enemy of the people.
Don Lemon and CNN get FULL credit for this HOAX and we challenge them to report REAL hate crimes like the Turning Point USA student that was violently attacked at UC Berkley. After all Don, Facts Matter right?
Put your actions where you mouth is Lemon.
Why is CNN suddenly nervous? SC Justice Thomas is talking about the Sullivan case. Why? The legal safeguards journalists were afforded under Sullivan grants them immunity from publishing #FakeNews or “misreporting” and in this case perpetuating HOAXES.
The hostility to Sullivan expressed by Justice Thomas and President Trump constitute a menacing alert that this important precedent may not be as durable as we’ve assumed.
Michael Posner – Forbes February 21, 2019
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